Satmar’s “Aronim” Faction Endorses Kathy Hochul in Stunning Contrast to Other Jewish Voting Blocs

Bucking the trend of nearly every major Orthodox Jewish voting bloc giving their full-throated support to Lee Zeldin, who has vowed to protect yeshivas, in the New York governor’s race, Satmar’s “Aronim” faction endorsed incumbent Gov. Kathy Hochul.

Hochul has remained on the sidelines since the NY Board of Regents voted to approve new “substantial equivalency” standards that threaten to take a wrecking ball to yeshiva education, whereas Zeldin has repeatedly blasted the move and pledged to support yeshivas as governor.

It isn’t yet clear why the Aronim faction has thrown its support behind Gov. Hochul, though rumors are swirling that a backroom deal has been reached which would benefit the Satmar faction, but not necessarily anyone else.

[MAILBAG: MI L’HASHEM ELAI! Satmar Must Stand Up For Chinuch]

[HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Lee Zeldin Wins Support of 4 Major Hasidic Voting Blocs]

[POWERFUL ENDORSEMENT: Zeldin Receives Backing Of Influential FJCC, Massive Orthodox Jewish Voting Bloc In Flatbush]

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

62 Responses

  1. “It isn’t yet clear why the Aronim faction has thrown its support behind Gov. Hochul”

    Actually its quite clear.

    For years Satmar has been doing the bidding of its Democrat masters.

    Satmar’s political agenda seems to be almost completely aligned with the “progressive” Democrats.

  2. What more embarrassing is it where you support a candidate a Jew hater who openly mocks our chinuch!! For what purpose because your corrupt and fall for the Government $$$$$$

    Shame on you!!!

  3. Why are we bashing each other?

    לב מלאכים ושרים ביד ה

    Don’t we by now realize that HaShem is the One pulling the strings, and not hochul or zeldin (who I already voted for today)?

    We can only do our hishtadlus. HaShem does as He sees fit. But this doesn’t give us a right to rip each other apart.

  4. *חשובע אנ”ש ד’סאטמאר*

    טראכט גוט אריין פארוואס מען האט אינדארסירט האקול.

    ליינט צווישען די שורות, און פארשטייט, פארוואס זיי האבען איר אינדארסירט.

    עס מיינט נישט אייך, זיי מיזען אזוי שרייבען אין די צייטונג.

    פאר איר גיבט אפ אייער שטימע, טראכט גיט אריין ווער עס איז פאר אונז אחב”י א בעסערע אויסוואל.

    אין ביטע שטימט מיט שכל, נאר פאר וועם אייער הארץ זאגט אייך.

    פרעגט אייך אליינס פאר וועם שטימט כלל ישראל?

    קוק פאר וועם רוב עמך ישראל האט אינדארסט אין שטימט!

    ציברעכט נישט אייער און אונזער כלל ישראל’ס בלאק וואוט.

    כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה!

  5. Disgusting!
    What a Chilul Hashem!
    If I was a Satmarer I would be mortified!

    To sell out the entire Jewish community (and your own Jewish values) just to gain a few dollars, is reprehensible!

  6. it will be Satmar’s achrais if chas visholom the shiksa wins and yidden are violently hit on the street and our kids are taught goishe education.

  7. @kahane_was_right you cannot vote for a רשע and then say לב מלאכים ושרים ביד ה!! He’s openly endorsing a רשע

  8. I gather from the letter. that:
    1) She never said no to any request, so if they now go against her it will destroy any political trust to their block.
    2) If they go against her and she still wins, they’ll be no Jewish voice that she’ll need to listen to.

    Nu nu…

  9. Although my chassidus is very small, in fact momentarily no chassidim, still, I too am a chassidishe Rebbe, and I too endorse Hochul for Governor. Without getting into details, I endorse whoever introduces the shtarkest flu lockdowns and vax and mask mandates, and Hochul shows more promise than Zeldin.

  10. yes לב מלאכים ביד ה which doesn’t mean that we are free to ignore the great existential battle we are in. לא עליך המלאכה לגמור ולא אתה בן חורין להבתל ממנה we need to do our part to show we stand for Torah values and will fight those who are destroying the fabric of our society. Some organizations are endorsing Letitia James and Chuck Schumer, whose signature issues are promotion of values antethical to Torah, even while they also endorse Lee Zeldin. They are just trying to openly endorse those candidates they believe will win in order to be in “good standing” with these candidates if elected. Don’t fall for it-always vote your values and leave the strategizing to Hashem. Do not vote for candidates promoting an anti-Torah agenda!

  11. It makes me sad to say such things, but how can a yid go and endorse someone who is actively trying to destroy our tenokos shel beis raban?! For a $50mm pay for play? Have they no shame? Have they no ahavas yisroel? No areivus? May Hashem not judge them so harshly as they’re putting us in a position of judging them.

  12. I heard the heilige rebbe scream מיר וועלן זיך נישט בייגן צי דיע וואס ווילן שטערן אומזער הייליגע חינוך …. does that only apply to the tziyonim? Or what

  13. Why does this decision mean we have an open right to לשון הרע, מוציא שם רע among other things many if us comment?
    סייג לחכמה שתיקה!
    Go out and vote as you see fit!

  14. Kahane: Ripping apart? That’s a bit dramatic. People are allowed to have an opinion. And if a community that claims to be Torah-true is being told by its leader to vote for a pro-abortion, pro-Critical Race Theory, soft-on-crime, pro-Alphabet politician, you bet people have a right to voice their disapproval.

    It is in fact a positive mitzvah in the Torah. The verse is from Parashat Kedoshim (Vayikra 19:17) and states: לֹֽא־תִשְׂנָא אֶת־אָחִיךָ בִּלְבָבֶךָ הוֹכֵחַ תּוֹכִיחַ אֶת־עֲמִיתֶךָ וְלֹֽא־תִשָּׂא עָלָיו חֵֽטְא
    That is to say: Included in our love for our fellow Jews is that we do not hold back rebuke when it is appropriate. Otherwise, we will be held responsible for their sin.

  15. Instead of being zionist they are completely loyal to the libs and are americanist! They are Americas version of Meretz!

  16. A massive CHILUL HASHEM!! i Guess DE GELT is more Important than LIMUD HATORAH! A BIZAYON of BIZYONOS!! HASHEM YIRACHEM!!

  17. “We can only do our hishtadlus. HaShem does as He sees fit. But this doesn’t give us a right to rip each other apart.”

    True, but I think people see this as bad hishtadlut.

  18. B”h the other chasidishe rabbonim endorsed Zelden Because R. Aron just single handly destroyed whatever various askonim tried to accomplish in the last 10 years in the fight for torah chinch. We have found the enemy and he is us is the famous saying. The democRATs are laughing at us and I don’t blame them.

  19. kahane_was_right
    For the last 10 years in my own small way, I was trying fight to protect the chasidishe chinuch HaTora by writing letters, commenting on the news sites etc. To say I am disappointed at R Aron’s endorsement is an understatement. I personally feel I was slapped in the face by this decision.

  20. In the words of Harav Avigdor Miller Z’TL who said:
    It’s important for the Orthodox public to finally wake up and protect their interests. The Orthodox Jews have to wake up and realize they have to vote not for what somebody promises to give them some benefit, some handout, some small program or some privilege. The politician comes to the frum Orthodox askan and he offers him some privileges, so he chaps, he seizes it. “Ah, my shtiebel will get special privileges, my rebbe will get special privileges, my yeshivah will get special privileges.” Meanwhile, he doesn’t care a hoot what’s going to happen to America. We vote for the overall benefits to America because when America benefits, the Orthodox Jew is also going to benefit. Even though we don’t believe him entirely – it’s election talk, it’s campaign talk – but if at least he talks the right kind of words, that’s the man that we have to vote for. It is very important to be aware of the issues and if you yourself are not fully competent, then you should consult the Torah leaders who know what is what.”

  21. Smart tactic. It’s a very close election. Hochul is still slightly favored to win. This way if she wins Klal Yisroel still has influence with her administration since a major frum community endorsed her.

    Well done.

  22. This is what the Be Yehoyada writes about flattery in Sotah 41b
    כָּל אָדָם שֶׁיֵּשׁ בּוֹ חֲנוּפָּה נוֹפֵל בַּגֵּיהִנָּם (ישעיה ה, כ). נראה לי בא ללמד אפילו הוא תלמיד חכם דאין גיהנם שולט בו קל וחומר מסלמנדרא כדאיתא בחגיגה (חגיגה כז.) עם כל זה לא תגין עליו תורה בזה אלא יהיה נופל בגיהנם! ורמז לדבר חֹנֶף [138] עולה מספר לַגֵּיהִנֹּם [138] ולזה אמר כל אדם רוצה לומר אפילו תלמיד חכם. אי נמי לומר אפילו עני הוא והוצרך להחניף בשביל פרנסתו.
    ומה שאמר אֵין תְּפִלָּתוֹ נִשְׁמַעַת נראה לי בס”ד מדה כנגד מדה, הפה הוא שערי תפלה וכיון דחטא בפה בחנופה נסתמו לו שערי תפלה.
    ועוד נראה לי בס”ד על פי מה שאמר הרמ”ז [הרב משה זכות] ז”ל יחוד התפלה הוא מספר חן [58] כזה ‘ו־ה וה־י והה־י’ [58] וכתב לכן התפלה נקראת בשם חן כמה דאת אמרת וָאֶתְחַנַּן אֶל הֳ’ (דברים ג, כג) עיין שם. נמצא התפלה היא סוד חן בפה ולכן עון חנופה גורם דאין תפלתו נשמעת.

  23. Er shaymed zech nisht??? I cannot for the life of me understand how a frum Jew can vote for a liberal democrat–it goes against everything we stand for.

  24. Maybe because they won’t support a candidate who is proudly married to a non-Jew and chose an open toevahnik as his running mate.

  25. Hi, I did my research. It’s basically satmer owes alot of $ and they must support her. Evreything is $$$ but don’t worry let’s all vote for the right person Lee zeldin

  26. Zeldin can choose his running mate not so clear how he can do anything about the educational requirement which is controlled by the Board of Regents.

    Basically Zeldin is a liar and busy making promises about things he has little ability to impact. Not surprising he supported Trump’s election denial scam as well. A liar will lie that is his nature. Don’t trust a word Zeldin says.

  27. Hochul “promised” because she is in a tight race. In the past, she rebuffed askanim and rabbanim when they wanted to discuss chinuch. It is now clear to the world that in Satmar, a “milchemes chorma” can be won with bribery.

    Chillul Hashem!

    בעקבות משיחא חוצפא יסגא ויוקר יאמיר… פני הדור כפני הכלב.

  28. וַיִּירָ֤א מֹשֶׁה֙ וַיֹּאמַ֔ר אָכֵ֖ן נוֹדַ֥ע הַדָּבָֽר (שמות ב׃יד)

    ויירא משה: דָּאַג לוֹ עַל שֶׁרָאָה בְיִשְׂרָאֵל רְשָׁעִים דֵּלָטוֹרִין, אָמַר, מֵעַתָּה שֶׁמָּא אֵינָם רְאוּיִין לְהִגָּאֵל (רש”י/שמות רבה)

    Torah tells you all you need to know. We’re screwed with petty minded brothers like these… who needs enemies?

  29. This fellow Zeldin used his office in the U.S. Congress to try to overturn a U.S. presidential election, and then people quote R’ Avigdor Miller ztz”l saying “We vote for the overall benefits to America because when America benefits, the Orthodox Jew is also going to benefit” as a reason to vote for him? Weird stuff! Surely the actual reason rabbonim today might support Zeldin is that he has declared an opposition to the recent NY State Regents decision about childhood education mandates, mandates that are designed with “overall benefits to America” in mind, though at the obvious expense of the specific interests of the chareidy kehillas. That might be a good reason to support Zeldin, depending on whether or not the New York State Governor has any power to intervene on that issue — a reason worth weighing against other reasons for and against the candidates in this race, and perhaps even a reason to disregard other issues. But surely it is a pretense to suggest that one supports Zeldin because he is the candidate ensuring the greatest overall benefit to Americans. Emes Liamitoi said it right: Satmar-Aaroni here look Americanist, because they are endorsing the person running against an explicit anti-Americanist.

  30. It’s much more important to throw out of the Senate, Chuck Schumer! Make sure everyone in New York votes for Joe Pinion!

  31. In this weeks parsha, Lot also voted for Sdom as Rashi says Lot chose to live there despite the decadence. Not only to live in sdom but to vote for sdom?

    I’m curious on what halachic basis it is permitted to vote for samesex marriages, and no punishment for crime.

    Show me innerveinig vee shtayt.

    אין שום דבר חדש מתחת לשמש


    If a public chillul Hashem is publicized that someone , no matter who or if they’re wearing a bekkisheh, is going along with a Sdom mindset, the Jewish people must take a stand against and scream from the rooftops.

    It’s the time for Pinchas. Even moshe rabbeinu didn’t know the halacha. But Pinchas knew. Now is the time for Pinchas.

  33. Here are some of the comments I most support:
    Why are we bashing each other?We can only do our hishtadlus. HaShem does as He sees fit. But this doesn’t give us a right to rip each other apart.
    Why does this decision mean we have an open right to לשון הרע, מוציא שם רע among other things many if us comment?
    Maybe because they won’t support a candidate who is proudly married to a non-Jew and chose an open toevahnik as his running mate.
    Zeldin can choose his running mate not so clear how he can do anything about the educational requirement which is controlled by the Board of Regents.
    Basically Zeldin is a liar and busy making promises about things he has little ability to impact. Not surprising he supported Trump’s election denial scam as well. A liar will lie that is his nature. Don’t trust a word Zeldin says.

    The Yaarov Dvash says that the only way to tell if a machlokes is l’shem Shamayim is if the parties to the machlokes – apart from the specific issues they disagree on – treat each other with total love and respect, i.e. speak respectfully to each other. There seem to be arguments on both sides in this one, why don’t we keep it l’shem Shamayim and respect each other’s right to disagree.

  34. por

    Id like to see your comment if C’v a relative of yours was maimed by a criminal let out of the Hochul revolving door justice system?

    which presumably would not have happened under Zeldin

    This is פקוח נפש

  35. What concerns me not only the Aronim where are other Mosdos. For years all Mosdos supported Democrats. Now only 20 are supporting Zeldin. Where is Rachmistrivka? Always supporting the enemies of Klal Yosroel now they are quite!!!

  36. Very sad situation! But Satmar is not stupid. They can endorse Kathy outright because, yes they want to protect the Jewish alignment with Kathy but at the polls you can actually vote for Zeldin. If Kathy wins that would be very tough on us if we had no Frum Yidden voting for her. That would Chas visholom mean that our voting block doesn’t count.

  37. Satmars do not do anything unless they know it will increase their wealth and influence. Their landlord masters must have made some sort of deal with Dems. Maybe Gov’s office in particular. This is not about ideology. This is about money and power.

  38. These biased articles by YWN are very funny. Not that I support Hochul because I definitely don’t but YWN sells Hochul advertisements all day long but then write these biased articles attacking Satmar and Skver. They obviously care more about their own pocket than am yisrael. We should write articles calling out YWN

  39. Shlomo Werdiger chairman of Agudas Yisroel and chief supporter of Ger gave a 25 thousand dollar donation to hochuls campaign when agudah claims to not endorse anyone.
    why is their leadership supporting those who are against yeshivos?

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