WATCH THIS: Fox News Announces YWN Endorsement of Rep. Lee Zeldin

Republican New York gubernatorial candidate Rep. Lee Zeldin went on Fox News Monday morning to discuss his race against incumbent Gov. Kathy Hochul.

Over the course of the segment, Zeldin discussed various issues plaguing New York, particularly the state’s rising crime rates.

He also touted his support across various communities, including the Bangladeshi, Muslim, and Jewish communities in the state, which the hosts asked him about, and specifically about his “endorsement from Yeshiva World News.”

“You got the endorsement of the Yeshiva World News,” host Dana Perino said. “That is an important voting bloc.”

“Yeah, we’re feeling great about the support that’s coming in from the Orthodox Jewish community, from the Hasidic community,” Zeldin responded. “It’s been coming from inside Brooklyn to Rockland to what’s called Kiryas Joel which is in Orange County.”

“A lot of these people who are endorsing us and very influential leaders – they’re Democrats!” Zeldin added.

While YWN has thoroughly covered the Zeldin campaign for governor and his overtures to the Orthodox Jewish community, YWN has never endorsed him or any other candidate, as per our long-standing policy for 19 years in covering thousands of elections. 

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. She was probably supposed to say “the yeshiva world”, but didn’t know the difference between the community and the news platform.

    But it’s still cute to get the mention!

  2. It is an absolute בושה וחרפה that satmar hasn’t joined the urgent chorus in endorsing Lee Zeldin, and satmar shall have to render דין וחשבון for destroying Jewish education by not having endorsed Lee Zeldin just like they shall have to give דין וחשבון for not having observed יום-העצמאות ויום-ירושלים

  3. To 147 please don’t mix apples and oranges. I agree by not endorsing Zelden they have made a mockery of the entire fight for yeshiva chinuch. I have been a big supporter of the chasidishe mosdos. If they endorse Houchal I will have lost all my respect for Satmar. I say Satmar because they are the face of the chasidishe community. I will continue to oppose the SED but only because I know they want to target all yeshivos wiith their Kefira and nevalah. As far as יום-העצמאות ויום-ירושלים they will give zero din vecheshbon. My rabbonim and yours disagree with the Satmar rebbe and his approach to Zionisim. But he was an adom godol, a true tzadik and he is allowed to state his halachic opinions.

  4. ah yid, Satmer is absolutely NOT the face of the Chassidishe world. Excuse me, they do not represent me as a Chassidishe person, nor tens of thousands of Chassidim from other Chassidisin.

    I do hope they won’t endorse Hochul, I actually doubt they will. But they are very smart not to endorse Zeldin either. He is as “conservative” as my cat ( which I don’t own)…. Why do they have to endorse Zeldin? Because he has a pervert as a running mate? And no, governors have no say in the Department of Ed although they can exert some pressure on the department, they have no say over that department.

  5. “just like they shall have to give דין וחשבון for not having observed יום-העצמאות ויום-ירושלי”

    Haha what an ignorant statement.

  6. To be dan le-chaf zechus, maybe the Satmar Rebbe’s pure soul has trouble endorsing someone who has children though a Mormon wife (what kind of chinuch are they getting and why should he trust a Jew who gives his own children that kind of chinuch with any role in the chinuch of the tzibur), and maybe he’s been around long enough to know that promises politicians make when they’re trying to get endorsements and votes don’t always correspond exactly to their behavior once they’re safely in office. שב ואל תעשה עדיף.

  7. Shlomo Hamelech said in Koheles “Eis Laasos V’Eis Lishtok”. Satmar is not in any position at present to make any comments, especially when it comes to Education or endorsing a Republican. Those who have read the news 4 days ago will understand why. V’Hamayvin Yovin.

  8. por:
    “(what kind of chinuch are they getting and why should he trust a Jew who gives his own children that kind of chinuch with any role in the chinuch of the tzibur)”

    You do realize that a child of a gentile mother is a gentile, right? So why would he not give his children that type of chinuch?

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