SORRY, JOE: Skver and Vizhnitz Officials Attend GOP Fundraiser Just a Day After Biden Begs for Their Endorsement

A fundraiser for Rep. Mike Lawler in Wesley Hills headlined by Republican House Minority Whip Rep. Steve Scalise and joined by several other congressmen from across the country was attended by various high-ranking members of the chasidish community, just a day after President Biden begged them to support incumbent Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney.

Chasidic dignitaries in attendance included New Square Mayor Izzy Spitzer, Kaser (Vizhnitz) Mayor Eli Pinkasowitz, Airmont Deputy Mayor Shimon Moses, Chestnut Ridge Trustee Chaim Ross, Pomona Village Trustee Mendy Lasker, activist Yossi Gestetner, and others.

The Chasidic presence at the fundraising luncheon came just a day after President Joe Biden called the Skverer and Vizhnitzer rebbes, asking them to throw their support behind Rep. Maloney, who is facing an increasingly difficult election on November 8th.

Much of the luncheon focused on education and how the federal government could assist students, and particularly Orthodox Jewish students whose yeshivos are being targeted by New York bureaucrats.

Rep. Scalise, who is projected to become the House Majority Leader following the expected Republican takeover of the House of Representatives, said that a top GOP priority in Congress is to pass a Parental Bill of Rights that would block states from regulating what and how parents must teach their children.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

26 Responses

  1. a top GOP priority in Congress is to pass a Parental Bill of Rights that would block states from regulating what and how parents must teach their children.

    If they really pass such a bill, Biden will veto it.

  2. Im not fro that area but I think Lawler is the incumbent. Maloney was an incumbent i believe for a district in orange county but because of redistricting hes now in rockland county.

  3. @ah yid, Maloney is currently congessman in the 18th covers Orange, Putman, Dutchess and Sullivan, Rockland was combined with lower Westchester and was represented by Nita Lowey until 2 years ago when she stepped down rather then run a primary against Mondaire Jones.
    when they redistcricted the 17th was redrawn to cover Rockland, Northern Westchester, Putman and two towns in Southern Dutchess, Maloney lives in Putman.
    Lawler is the State assemblyman in the 97th distrct covering Ramapo and Orangetown

  4. Interesting to see Chaveirm proudly posing with the candidates, in “uniform” and with their vehicles as part of the picture, to offer their endorsement.

    From the IRS guidelines on non-profits:
    Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. . . Violating this prohibition may result in denial or revocation of tax-exempt status and the imposition of certain excise taxes.

  5. Quiet pathetic how YWN distorts everything to fit your biased one sided agenda. Biden called the Skvere Rebbe to ask for his support. Instead of portraying it as a most respectful thing that a sitting president would call a Rebbe and say his door is open to him instead you portray it as “begging”. Your bias is grotesque.

  6. por, Skver did not play both sides. Biden called and everyone, even the most conservative/Republican individuals, even Trump, would pick up the phone to speak with the president.

  7. Por- wishful thinking on your part Monsey is plastered with zeldin lawler lawn signs. I saw my first Yiddish ones this morning on maple corner Suzanne. It’s official.

  8. People actually need to come out and vote.
    It used to be that Chassidic and other Frum groups would support Democrats because they thought they’ll be more liberal with money for Yeshivas, no longer. What are they offering us now, free late-term abortion services?

  9. Sholom d your comment speaks volumes as to what type of person you are. Chaverim is a phenomenal Chesed organization we’ve all benefited from them. It’s one thing to be a democrat but I didn’t know it requires rishus. I’m appalled .

  10. Chavasdaaas: Your comment speaks volumes as to what type of person you are. Yes, Chaverim is a phenomenal Chesed organization we’ve all benefited from them.

    However, it is also a tax-exempt entity.

    This means that it is “absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. . . Violating this prohibition may result in denial or revocation of tax-exempt status and the imposition of certain excise taxes.”

    It’s one thing to be a republican but I didn’t know it requires calling people you disagree with resha’im.
    I’m appalled.

  11. There’s no Official Chaveirim endorsement just because their marked car is in the picture. Chaverim members needn’t take off their safety vests and hide their cars to take a photo with a candidate. They’re representing themselves as individual humans, not an organization. Is Rabbi Reisman violating this law because he will endorse Zeldin with his clearly identifiable face (his Shul and Torah Vodaas are also non-profits)?

  12. crazykanoiy: keep calm. You will really have what to get upset about when Sleepy Joe’s guys lose control of the Senate and Congress. The Skvere Rebbe Shlita is a great tzaddik. Sleepy Joe was honored by having the Rebbe accept his call.

  13. @sholmo D, the real truth is the Congressman Scalise had a flat tire so all members came to fix it, joking aside, it was just a pix with the likely majority leader from Louisana who never heard of such a thing such as chavarim, there was no endorsement given or implied.

  14. commonsaychel:
    Chaveirim offers lots of benefit to the community.
    They therefore need to use common saychel, so as to not jeopardize their tax-exempt status, for instance by posing with political candidates while in uniform and with their branded vehicles as background.

  15. “ It’s one thing to be a republican but I didn’t know it requires calling people you disagree with resha’im.
    I’m appalled.”

    A vote for D is a vote for the federal and state Govts to promote “transgender” filth in GRADE schools and in Govt and in business.

    If that isn’t evil I don’t what is.

  16. Votekosher:
    Did I say I was voting “D” or that I was advocating voting “D”?
    All I did was point out that it was “interesting” that Chaveirim would seemingly endanger its tax-exempt status for this set-up picture with their vehicles and uniformed members.

    As for whether it’s necessarily “evil” to vote “D”, the issues you raise are indeed significant, but some might say that there is more “evil” in voting for presidential candidates who teach immorality by personal example. (Maybe not transgender, but just about everything else in the immorality book. And that candidate’s “teaching” by personal example has reached right into our yeshivos.)

    Might be that while it’s generally a better idea to vote Republican, one might have to reconsider when the candidate is even more of a threat to human decency than the Dem candidate is.

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