DR. DOOM WARNS: Get Out of New York City or Face Extinction

NYU Professor Nouriel Roubini, often referred to by the moniker Dr. Doom, says he is considering moving out of New York City because he believes the city will soon be destroyed.

“There’s a scenario in which, in the next twelve months, Russia uses tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine and then they attack NATO and we start a conventional war with Russia. The first nuclear weapon is gonna go to New York. Being in New York City is not safe,” the 64-year-old economics professor said.

What if the Big Apple avoids being struck by a nuke? There’s still big problems, and still good reasons to leave, Dr. Doom says.

There would still be the possibility of a major natural disaster, like Hurricane Sandy but “much, much worse,” he explained. “In the next 20 years, most of downtown New York is gonna be underwater.”

Dr. Roubini said that a $52 billion plan from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers that would install massive sea barriers to protect NYC from a storm surge is impractical and would take too long to be completed.

“Who’s gonna pay for that?” he asked. “They don’t even know if it’s gonna work. It’ll take 25 years to build and even if we save Manhattan, all of the Jersey Shore and Long Island will get flooded because that water needs to go somewhere.”

Optimism is apparently just not a part of Dr. Doom’s disposition.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC

5 Responses

  1. 1. New York is no longer a leading port nor a major center for manufacturing. The Russians (or Chinese) are likely to first target nuclear bases, and then critical locations for disrupting manufacturing, transport and agriculture. All New York (at least the five boroughs) has are a lot of mouths to feed. Your biggest threats in New York in a nuclear war are from starvation (and perhaps radiation),and the probable cooling result from a war (and global cooling, unlike global warming, is very bad for food production).

    2. Based on reconstructed medieval and ancient climate, it will only be as warm in the foreseeable future as it was during the medieval (time of rishonim) and classical (time of Bayis Sheini) periods, during which even lower Manhattan was well above sea level. Only the edges of lower Manhattan (build on landfill) should worry. The important parts, where most people live, such as Boro Park and Flatbush should not worry about drowning.

    3. Based on their performance in Ukraine, the Russians are probably worries that many of their nukes will perform poorly (not explode, go off target, get intercepted), meaning the “assured destruction” will not be mutual.

  2. The biggest danger NYC faces currently is the lawlessness. If not remedied, that will lead to the disappearance of NY as we know it. Anyone with the means, financial or physical, will simply up and leave.

  3. itll be destroyed before that with the corruption and crime allowing BOTH of eric adams and even worse kathy hochul, vote Zeldin just to preserve some decency.

  4. There are plenty of reasons to leave NY. The threat of fake nukes doesn’t make the list. But, there are plenty of reasons to leave NY.

  5. this guy was spot on on some of his past predictions, including the housing bust crisis.

    ..but wait at least to see if Hochul and her cabal are reelected.

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