Rep. Lee Zeldin Endorsed by Four Key Jewish Communities

(AP Photo/Mary Altaffer, File)

The Queens Jewish Alliance, Far Rockaway Jewish Political Action Committee and the Five Towns Jewish Alliance join with respected Crown Heights leaders all jointly announcing their endorsement of Republican Lee Zeldin for Governor this November 8th.

QJA member Sorolle Idels said in making this endorsement: “New York is crumbling before our eyes. In my adult life I do not recall such chaos, fear, and dissatisfaction with our approach to crime in this state. New York needs a leader who can restore our trust and who takes action to fix cashless bail. Empty words won’t cut it.”

FRJPAC chair Richard Altabe said: “Our children’s chinuch is at stake. We need a Governor who respects the rights of parents to choose a school that best fits their values. Lee Zeldin is committed to keeping government out of the decisions that must belong to school leaders and their parents.”

FTJA chair Izzy Wasser said: “We need a governor who will take action to fight the rapid increase in anti semitism whether on our streets, subways or in our city and state universities.”

Senior Crown Heights leader Rabbi Shea Hecht adds his endorsement and says: “We feel strongly that our city and state needs leaders like Lee Zeldin so that the state can thrive
in a post-pandemic world. We appreciate his strong stance on public safety, religious
education and personal liberty. Lee Zeldin is the right leader at the right time to restore sanity to our State. We collectively urge all those in our communities to vote for Lee Zeldin this November 8th.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. But Skver, Satmar, Vizhnitz, Pupa, et al are silent… there’s too much money to be gotten from the Democrats for them to do the right thing…

  2. Very courageous stand by these groups since the Democratic leadership will remember this when discussions turn to funding social programs. Zeldin wants to cut social programs. Nice to see these groups taking the moral high road.

  3. One thing I can say after last night’s debate anyone that endorses or votes for Hochul is a total fool. I watched the debate on You Tube I was shocked there were hundreds of comments almost every single one in support of Zelden. If the chasidishe mosdos endorse Hochul after the SED yeshiva debacle then I lost all my respect for these useful idiots.

  4. Please read this Satmar, Skver and any mosdos that thinks flattery will help THEIR pocketbooks. This what the Ben Yehyada (The Ben Ish Chai) says about flattery Sotah 42:
    כָּל אָדָם שֶׁיֵּשׁ בּוֹ חֲנוּפָּה נוֹפֵל בַּגֵּיהִנָּם (ישעיה ה, כ). נראה לי בא ללמד אפילו הוא תלמיד חכם דאין גיהנם שולט בו קל וחומר מסלמנדרא כדאיתא בחגיגה (חגיגה כז.) עם כל זה לא תגין עליו תורה בזה אלא יהיה נופל בגיהנם! ורמז לדבר חֹנֶף [138] עולה מספר לַגֵּיהִנֹּם [138] ולזה אמר כל אדם רוצה לומר אפילו תלמיד חכם. אי נמי לומר אפילו עני הוא והוצרך להחניף בשביל פרנסתו.
    ומה שאמר אֵין תְּפִלָּתוֹ נִשְׁמַעַת נראה לי בס”ד מדה כנגד מדה, הפה הוא שערי תפלה וכיון דחטא בפה בחנופה נסתמו לו שערי תפלה.
    ועוד נראה לי בס”ד על פי מה שאמר הרמ”ז [הרב משה זכות] ז”ל יחוד התפלה הוא מספר חן [58] כזה ‘ו־ה וה־י והה־י’ [58] וכתב לכן התפלה נקראת בשם חן כמה דאת אמרת וָאֶתְחַנַּן אֶל הֳ’ (דברים ג, כג) עיין שם. נמצא התפלה היא סוד חן בפה ולכן עון חנופה גורם דאין תפלתו נשמעת

  5. I hear the rank and file chassidishe public is %100 zeldin it’s the askunim that are hedging, bottom line the leaders don’t have the chutzpah to tell their followers to vote for suicide. It’s dangerous in the streets of nyc. So it’s just silence.

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