How to Share Your Wisdom Online

Some people love to give advice, while others are sought out for their insights and unique perspective on situations. If you fall into the latter category, you may have a natural gift which the world can benefit from.

Whether it’s advice on dating, parenting or how to navigate the world of business, if you have experience in a certain area and enjoy sharing your pearls of wisdom with others perhaps it’s time to take things online and create a platform for people who are seeking genuine advice, such as In this article, we’ll look at some of the steps in starting your own online advice column.

Choose a Topic
The first and most important step is deciding on the topic you will be giving advice on. To help you with the process, think about the areas you are most interested in and enjoy helping people in solving their issues.

Do friends and family often come to you for help on particular matters and are you able to see such situations with clarity and common sense? To be able to give advice that is consistent, well-considered and balanced make sure you choose a topic you have sufficient interest and experience in.

Start Blogging
Once you have decided on the area you will be giving advice on, one of the best ways to get your thoughts out there is by creating your own blog. There are several ways to do this, including creating a blog on an existing website or using sites like which allow you to publish your passions your way.

If you are using an existing website that you own, make sure it matches the tone and content of your advice column. For example, if you are giving advice on money matters or career success your website should look professional yet welcoming, letting visitors know what type of content is on there.

Be Consistent
Consistency is key when it comes to sharing your wisdom online and establishing your presence and community. You are more likely to build a steadfast and loyal audience if you are putting out great content on a consistent and reliable basis that helps people with their problems. This not only serves your community but also helps to establish you as a trusted source that people can turn to for advice.

If you are to offer an advice service marketing is essential in order to grow your audience and reach more people. Make use of social media channels to promote your services but also to leave comments on other people’s posts offering helpful advice which can get you noticed and be shared with others. Forums, online networks and blogs in the area you are interested in are another great way to grow your following as they allow you to share your thoughts with others and offer advice that others may benefit from. 

It may also pay to advertise your service via paid ads on social media, especially as you start out. This way you can also target your audience based on factors such as age, interests and gender, and exclude certain audiences from your campaign to make the most of your money and reach those people who can most benefit from your services.

By following the tips above you can successfully launch your online advice business.

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