HOCHUL HAMMERED: Lee Zeldin Nukes Kathy Hochul Over Violent Crime in New York [VIDEOS]

Republican New York gubernatorial nominee Rep. Lee Zeldin took a sledgehammer to incumbent Gov. Kathy Hochul’s handling of crime in the Empire State during a lopsided debate that saw Zeldin repeatedly slamming Hochul over her support for violence-defending policies.

“Unfortunately, Kathy Hochul believes the only crimes being committed are these crimes with guns,” Zeldin said. “And yet people are afraid of being shoved in front of oncoming subway cars, they’re being stabbed, beaten on the street with hammers.”

“Go talk to the Asian-American community about how it’s impacted them with the loss of lives; Jewish people targeted with raw, violent anti-Semitism on our streets. It just happened yet again,” he continued. “We need to be talking about all of these other crimes, but instead, Kathy Hochul is too busy patting herself on the back ‘job well done.’ No! Right now there should be a special session. The State Legislature should come back and overhaul cashless bail and these other pro-criminal laws. But… she says ‘elect me’ and maybe we’ll see where she stands on this issue in January.”

At another point, Zeldin noted that “[Hochul] still hasn’t talked about locking up anyone committing any crimes,” to which the governor responded, “Anyone who commits a crime under our laws…has consequences…I don’t know why that’s so important to you.”a

In another instance, Rep. Lee Zeldin called for a state spending cap, cutting taxes, and reversing a ban on natural gas extraction to address New Yorkers’ economic struggles.

“New York is going to be back open for business, baby! January 1st.”

Zeldin also said that if elected he would seek to remove Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg “as soon as I can.”

Kathy Hochul responded to that, saying that she’s “not surprised because in Lee Zeldin’s world, you overturn elections you don’t agree with.”

Hochul directly asked Zeldin, “Is Donald Trump a great president?”

Rep. Zeldin responded by listing accomplishments he worked with the former president on.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

19 Responses

  1. What a nasty woman she is. NY is going down the toilet and she asks “was donald trump a great president” Are you kidding me? How on earth is this person in a seat of power. I guess she’s a shining example that even morons can rise to lofty positions.

  2. If Trump would stop talking and go away Republicans would win every election. The Democrats are doing a terrible job.
    But many people are uncomfortable with Trump’s behavior, and therefore get turned off when candidates align with him.
    This is a case in point.
    Any great Republican can be made to stammer by the question “Do you think Trump is great?”. It’s like when your wife asks “Do I look fat in this dress?” There’s no right answer. If you say yes you lose people and if you say no you lose people. (Because Trump did great things as president and also behaves very irresponsibly). So they have to be creative like Zeldin was. I hope he wins, but it’s harder becuase of Trump. The more he talks the more it pushes the people who dislike him to vote for democrats that they otherwise would perhaps have no interest in .

  3. She is an example of what we know as a proven fact for decades: democrat voters are brainless. She is as moronic as whoever votes for her. Bad news is there are LOTS of morons out there.

  4. Reply to Nowayjose, poster #1: it just shows how absolutely imperative it is that everyone votes! There is a strong Democrat base in NY and they will certainly vote for this Nancy Pelosi-look-alike. If there is even a chance that her opponent is to win, every single potential voter must vote.

    And the answer to that ridiculous question is: yes, Donald Trump did do a very good job as the 45th president of the U.S.A.

  5. New York state politicians do not have nuclear weapons. Whatever Zeldin can or can not do, he can’t nuke anyone.

    Hochul is in a hopeless position since she was chosen as the “upstate moderate” and she is leading a party dominated by radical WOKE nutcases. She also have very little to do with criminal justice in New York City (the state does do law enforcement in rural areas upstate, and they have very little crime). If you are concerned with crime in New York City, take it up with the Mayor and the District Attorneys.

  6. Domenick00: The subways and sidewalks are unsafe in the extreme right now. Unprovoked slashings, knockouts, muggings, and rapes occur in both places with regularity. We are not referring to Kingston, Peekskill, or Utica. We are talking about the rampant, unprovoked, violent crime taking place in New York City.

  7. To Kach: Sad to say, but you cannot spell.

    Crime was lower in 2020 than it has been for 40 years, and the modest uptick since the start of the Covid pandemic leaves crime rates and near-record-low levels. Crime hysteria is a Republican political trick that has been going on since the time of Tricky Dick Nixon, if not earlier.

    To Ari Knobler: YOu will be very disappointed in whatever domenick00 is smoking. You would be even more disappointed if the guy who sells the wacky tobbaky gets busted because of some tough-on-crime politician.

  8. By the way, on the topic of the republican view in gun control… I saw a fascinating ramban! Y’all gotta go check out the last few lines of the ramban in Perek dalet in bereishis!!!
    Look it up, check out the context, do research… I’m not drawing conclusions, of course, I haven’t seen the sugya or read the psakim… but all I’m sayin is that if y’all look at the ramban there, you’ll see he writes IN A DISCUSSION REGARDING WHETHER CREATORS OF SWORDS WILL BE PUNISHED… that they won’t be because “ein hacherev horeg v’ein al ha’os’o chet”!!!!! What!?!?!?!? It’s as though the coiners of “guns don’t kill” (lehavdil a million times) literally plagiarized right from the ramban!?!? I found it fascinating…

  9. @Yashar look again. The Ramban is explaining Tuval Kayin’s argument to his wives. He doesn’t say that the reasoning is correct.

  10. @guyeyid: Thank you! GUT GEZUKT!
    I just looked back at it carefully, and you are certainly correct. Then I was me’ayein and medayeik ah hin ah herr to see if there could be a semach… but NO! I see no compelling semach! I came up with diyukim, but nothing compelling. Thank you! You are 100% right. Tizkeh limitzvos! I really appreciate it!
    If anyone else has what to add, please do so!
    (Of course, no one should be confused: the Ramban doesn’t say the sevara is wrong, he simply doesn’t comment… who knows!?)

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