Tonight – Lakewood PD to Hold National Night Out

LPD.jpgOn Tuesday, August 5th 2008, from 4:00PM to 9:00PM the Lakewood Police Department will be holding its annual “National Night out Against Crime” at Pine Park. There will be free entertainment, food and drinks for all; kosher food will also be provided, donated by various businesses within the township.

This year’s event will include cartoon characters, rides provided by Party On with Natalie, free bicycle helmets while supplies last; free bicycles will be raffled off for children ages 4 to 12 which have been donated by Lakewood PBA #71, Lakewood SOA #71 and various township businesses. Free Tee Shirts will be provided for children while supplies last. Also provided for your entertainment will be antique cars, race cars, “DUNK A COP”, and much, much more. The following units will be attending; Lakewood Police Department’s Special Response Team and Lakewood Police Department’s Traffic and Safety Unit, Lakewood Fire Department, Lakewood EMS, Lakewood Hatzolah, Chaveirim of Lakewood (CERT Team), Lakewood Civilian Safety Watch, and Providence House. There will also be various County Organizations planning to attend.

(YWN Lakewood News Desk)

8 Responses

  1. Speaking of wasting township money, how come with all the constant new construction in Lakewood, the Industrial Park, and the Lakewood Blue Claws, money is hard to come by in Lakewood?

  2. Couldn’t somebody have coordinated with the LPD to schedule this type of party event some other week outside the 9 days? Is this really in the spirit of where we should be holding this week?

  3. borninthebronx, This is a NATIONAL night out and not just for Lakewood. Chazal have decided what is and what is not appropiate for the 9 days, keep your personal abstentions to yourself.

  4. First, this isnt just a township activity. This activity is Nationwide. It is a day to let the residents of your town that its ok to be out. Its not just for the the jewish community its for all of the community. Remember most of your community is volunteer, the Lakewood Fire Dept, Lakewood First Aid Squad, these members do this because they are willing to, not because they have to. It has nothing to do with all the building going on in that town. It is all funded by those donation. The township puts out little money, and its a great thing to have all of them in the same area for one night.
    If you don’t like or support them..its easy..don’t go. No one is twising your arm to go out and speak to your township emergency services people, just wait till they show up at your house for an emergency..then you can talk to them..or try to.

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