HACK: Disgraced Former FBI Agent Says Jan. 6 Was Worse Tha 9/11 [SEE THE VIDEO]

(AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, File)

Disgraced former FBI agent Peter Strzok says the 9/11 attacks, which killed nearly 3,000 people, were “nothing compared” to the storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

“I think if you look at the scale in terms of a threat to democracy, I mean, 9/11 was a tragedy, we lost thousands of lives in a horrific way. We still mourn to this day. But when you look at something that is an attack on democracy, something that could actually bring about a fundamental change to American governance as we understand it, 9/11 is nothing compared to January 6,” Strzok said on MSNBC.

He added that he believes the U.S. should have had “the same sort of war footing that we were on in the weeks and months and years after 9/11,” following Jan. 6, which he asserts was a much greater “threat to our constitutional democracy” than the September 11th attacks.

If you don’t remember who Peter Strzok is, he is a former FBI agent best known for his vitriolic hatred of Donald Trump, and whose texts to an FBI lawyer with whom he was having a relationship with while also leading the investigation into links between Trump and Russia were leaked for the world to see.

He was fired from the FBI in 2018.

A poll from Harvard/Harris released last weekend found that most Americans believe Democrats are overly obsessed with January 6th. Just 7% say the storming of the Capitol is the most important issue to them, while 1 in 3 say Democrats have made it their top agenda item.

What Americans actually care about, at least according to the poll, are inflation, the economy, immigration, and crime.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. the attack on the capitol was many bad things, but an attack by americans on the ruling elites can only be described as “an attack on democracy” if you believe that some americans do not deserve to be heard.

  2. Apples and oranges comparisons. January 6th stands out in terms of an unprecedented internal effort to overthrow our government. 9/11 was an equally unprecedented effort by foreign terrorists to take their Jihad to American soil and sow fear and disruption. Both were horrific and both stand out as unique events in different contexts.

  3. So, according to that logic – the stolen election of late November 2020, was worse than 9/11. THAT is the real threat to democracy. The protests were trying to SAVE democracy.
    What we should be mourning for on January 6th, is the stolen election that was certified on that day, despite the protests of the America.

  4. “No need for the second amendment, you’d never be able to take on the government anyway, they have tanks and planes”….“the entire government was within a hairbreadth of being overthrown on Jan 6th!!!”

  5. The very people accused of being “clingers to their guns…” somehow left most of their arsenal home on the very day they were trying to overthrow the Republic. Makes sense.

  6. GHD: January 6th stands out in terms of an unprecedented internal effort to overthrow our government.

    As usual, GHD lies through her teeth, as the lying liar she is. Her claim is pure garbage; falsehood of the highest octane level.

  7. January 6 was the biggest show of democracy, it showed the right of American people to ptotest what they see as an evil. By every protest in a democracy some people get out of the line, but the storming of the capitol itself is in my eyes no act of violence, the capitol is not Mecca in Saudi Arabia.

    It is a shame that not the goverment nor the media did not mention any regret about the killing of a women in the Capitol while she did not act violent. Democracy ?

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