LIAR, LIAR: Just 7% of Americans Trust Media to Accurately Report News

A new survey from Gallup has found that just 7% of Americans have a “great deal” of trust in mass media to report the news “fully, accurately and fairly,” just two points higher than the lowest-ever rating, which came in 2016.

27% of respondents say they have a “fair amount” of trust in the media, while 28% said they don’t have much confidence, and 38% said they have no confidence in newspapers, TV, and radio.

70% of Democrats, 14% of Republicans and 27% of independents saying they have a great deal or fair amount of confidence in media.

For the third straight year, the majority of Republicans indicate that they have no trust at all in the media. This figure jumped 10 percentage points in 2020 and has been at or near 60% since then. This year, 57% say they do not have any confidence, while 29% say they do not have very much.

At 27%, independents’ trust in media is at the lowest point ever recorded and the first time it has been below 30%.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Amazing. Baruch ha-Shem. A good omen for the future of the republic.

    ONLY 7% of the population are complete fools!

    Though on the downside, it does appear that most Democrats are naive, if not totally gullible.

  2. YWN is mass media.

    The statistics don’t add up.

    70% of Democrats, 14% of Republicans and 27% of independents saying they have a great deal or fair amount of confidence in media.

    Overall, 7% have a great deal of trust and 27% of respondents say they have a “fair amount” of trust

    So 34% of the total polled population does trust, which is 70% of Democrats, 14% of Republicans and 27% of independents?

  3. @ Bouncing_Yak I couldn’t have agreed more than you on this. Unfortunately YWN has become a leftist progressive propaganda machine that is so called our Torah network. They are liars who knowingly distort our daily news according to their progressive agenda.

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