McCarthy Says GOP Won’t Allow IRS to Harass Americans, Will Repeal 87,000 Agents

(AP Photo/Meg Kinnard, File)

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy says that if Republicans gain control of the House and Senate they will immediately repeal the Democrat-passed law that allows the IRS to hire 87,000 new agents.

McCarthy, who is expected to become Speaker of the House if Republicans gain control over the chamber, told CNBC’s Squawk Box program that the GOP will crack down on the IRS.

Asked whether Republicans will conduct Jan. 6 committee-esque hearings on Joe Biden and his son Hunter, McCarthy sidestepped the question.

“We won’t play politics in this process. We will follow the law, and we’ll follow the information wherever it takes us, but first and foremost, we’re going to focus on the economy … We’re going to apply a ratings scale to every single prosecutor to make they’re upholding the law. We’re going to pass a parents’ bill of rights, so that parents have a say in their education,” he said.

“We’re going to hold America accountable [and] on my first day, we’re going to repeal 87,000 IRS agents. Government should be here to help you, not go after you.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. McCarthy is being dishonest to put it politely. The legislation authorized the hiring of 87,000 IRS employees for all job titles from file clerks, customer service personnel, auditors, tech workers as well as agents to replace retirees and bring the agency up to full staffing. The number of IRS employees has declined in recent years leading to unanswered phone calls and delays in processing returns.
    McCarthy and numerous other Republicans keep repeating the claim that there will be 87,000 IRS agents who will terrorize taxpayers while they know the claim is false. Are they hoping that this lie will mobilize ill informed Americans who cheat on their taxes to vote for Republican candidates?

  2. JoeDoe,

    That’s right, the nasty republicans are going to fire all the kind IRS employees now being hired to help little old ladies across the street. How cruel!

  3. No, Mr Doe, you are the one who is lying through your teeth, to put it impolitely. The administration plans to hire 87,000 new agents to harass ordinary taxpayers who show any dissent from its radical agenda.

    But the problem is that a GOP-controlled House can pass a repeal, but the Senate Democrats will filibuster it, and if the GOP does manage to pass it through the senate as well then the president will veto it. Likewise a GOP congress can try to hold the IRS accountable by holding hearings in the traditional manner, but the IRS will simply ignore it, send low-ranking people to lie to the committees, and obstruct and obfuscate and plain refuse to accept Congress’s will.

    And if Congress cuts funding for the IRS the president will shut down the government and make it out to be the Congress’s fault, just as every Democrat president in the same circumstances has done. (Somehow when Republican presidents do the exact same thing, as Reagan and W Bush did, it’s the President’s fault.)

  4. The first 4 comments are from stupid people or rich people. Every IRS agent who enforces the payment of taxes pays for him/herself many times over, and lowers the burden on honest taxpayers. If you earn a relatively modest income and try to prepare your tax returns honestly, you have nothing to fear from more IRS enforcement personnel. If you have a high income and hire accountants to find you all the deductions they possibly can, you have plenty to fear from more IRS enforcement agents. Remember the words of Rabbi Ben Stern: I told you not to be stupid, you moron.

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