Petirah of Rav Dovid Gruman Z”L

We regret to inform you of the untimely petirah of Harav Dovid Gruman z”l, a renowned marbitz torah in Los Angeles for over 40 years.

Rav Dovid z”l was the husband of Rebbetzin Faigy Gruman, a devoted mechaneches and shadchan, and the father of R’ Yisroel Gruman, Mrs. Rivky Tendler, Mrs. Brachie Retter, R’ Yehuda Gruman, Mrs. Esti Newmark, Mrs. Basya Zemel, Mrs. Eta Tikotzky, R’ Rephoel Gruman and Shaya Gruman.

He was the son of Rav Pinchos Gruman, who was niftar just over a year ago, and the son-in-law of Harav Yaakov Moshe Kulefsky zt”l.

Rav Dovid z”l is also survived by his brothers, Rabbi Aaron Gruman and Zev Gruman, and his sisters, Mrs. Malkie Ansbacher and Mrs. Esther Fuss.

The levaya will take place Sunday at 11 am at the Lakewood Chapel. There won’t be any hespedim. Shiva will be held after Yom Tov.

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