WATCH: Netanyahu Asked if Israel Will Retaliate Against Rapper’s Threat to Jews

Bill Maher, a comic-turned-pundit, asked former Israeli premier Bibi Netanyahu if Israel would retaliate against Kanye West, a billionaire rapper who recently threatened to go after “Jewish people.”

In a now-deleted tweet from his now-suspended Twitter account, West wrote, “I’m a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I’m going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE The funny thing is I actually can’t be Anti Semitic because black people are actually Jew also You guys have toyed with me and tried to black ball anyone whoever opposes your agenda.”

West also sent a bunch of anti-Semitic on Instagram, which got that account suspended as well.

Speaking to Netanyahu, Maher asked if Israel would “retaliate” against West.

Bibi replied: “You know, anti-Semitism is the longest hatred in history. It goes back thousands of years. We’ve dealt with bigger problems than than these stupidities. But, you know, the communists blame the Jews for being capitalist, the capitalists blame the Jews for being communists. Do you have a problem? Blame the Jews. It’s old stuff. It shouldn’t have any place in civilized discourse. And that’s the reason we establish the Jewish state. So the Jewish people would have defense against these absurdities, and sometimes they’re coupled with violence. We don’t let that happen again.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

5 Responses

  1. Bibi for his living wears makeup and shills about some supposed threat from Iran to make Jews scared and rally around their abusive puppet regime and talks about how it’s the only democracy in the Middle East, contrived speech that espouses a system with no basis in the Torah and makes a mockery of the inheritance of Yisroel. He fearmongers clearly not for the sake of Heaven, which the Rambam brings lehalachah in Hilchos Tshuvah causes loss of portion in the World to Come. Can’t imagine anyone there will want to share it with him.

    Kanye got his life ruined for resisting his handlers, and he now is upset at them and the whole system used to control him. He probably knows too much and is too uncontrollable to have been made a public figure, so his public comments make him a threat, which means he now will be condemned by shills that wear makeup and that talk about democracy in the Middle East or whatever.

  2. So Schmendrick, now that you’ve done away with the gashmi mechanism that’s protecting nearly seven million Jews (on the grounds of one man’s “makeup” and your right and ability to revoke his place in the World to Come), what’s next? I got it: trust American entertainers, pundits, and politicians to protect you, ignoring Hashem’s work in a fardrehet America and dismissing what He’s already doing in Israel.

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