FIGHTING NANCY: Pelosi Said She’d “Punch Out” Trump if He Came to Capitol Building [SEE THE VIDEO]

Newly released video footage played by the January 6th committee hearing on Thursday shows House Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying she’d attack Trump if he came to Capitol.

Speaking to supporters in Washington on Jan. 6, Trump told them to go to the U.S. Capitol building to protest the certification of the 2020 presidential election, assuring them that he will join them.

As Pelosi watched the rally, an aide told her that the Secret Service had already decided not to bring Trump to the Capitol, even if he wanted to go.

“If he comes, I’m going to punch him out,” Pelosi said. “I’ve been waiting for this, for trespassing on Capitol grounds. I’m going to punch him out, and I’m going to go to jail, and I’m going to be happy.”

Cassidy Hutchinson, a former Trump aide, told the Jan. 6 committee in June that Trump demanded to be driven to Capitol and attempted to grab the steering wheel of the SUV he was in when the Secret Service refused.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. This evil bitch needs to be locked up {preferably with Hilary} for having threatened the President of the United States of America:- President Donald Trump שליט”א
    How dare this bitch get away with such an exceedingly vicious threat

  2. For 147 and those mindless twits who’ve been chanting “lock her up” for the past several years (and probably would have included Nancy in their thoughts as well) you are more likely to see the Orange Oysvorf in government housing in Otisville in the next several years than either of these chashuvah women.

  3. Well if you live in a closed community and have never had an association with any Italian grandmother her statement can come as a surprise. I’m lucky enough to have known a number of Italian grandmothers who would have reacted in the same way. What was she supposed to say, ‘ I’ll get started on some meatballs and gravy so I can welcome him?”

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