Rav Elimelech Biderman Belongs to us All

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman for 5tjt.com

Rav Elimelech Biderman, shlita, for some reason belongs to all of Klal Yisroel.  One can be down and depressed, and it is Rav Biderman that cheers up all of Klal Yisroel.  One may think thta he belongs exclusively to Eida Chareidid type families – but it is not true.

All gain inspiration from him.  It is not just his remarkably inspiring Divrei Torah.  WHich everyone wonders how he does it.  How is it that week after week, he can pinpoint and explain the exact dvar Torah or inspiration that we need?  His audience is everyone.  Teaneck mothers. Shulamith teachers. Chassidish men and Misnagdishe Avreichim.

It is something about his quick-paced lovable yiddishe shprach.  He has an undeniable chain that makes its way throgh the airwaves and the electric impulses of the inter-net.

What is said is that we often do not realize the value of the special princes that walk as malachim among men.  Did I say malachim?  What is also so remarkable and unique is that they represent Everyman.  Malach and Everyman wrapped in one.  He is a modern day Berditchever Rav.

Women. Men. Children. Teen-age boys. All adore and love him.

Yasher Koach for all he does.

The author can be reached at [email protected]

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