An Ultra Orthodox Jew walks by a Jewish school bus, which has a Yiddish sign on the front, in the Borough Park neighborhood of southwestern Brooklyn, New York City on January 1, 2014. Borough Park is home to one of the largest Orthodox Jewish communities outside Israel and one of the largest concentrations of Jews in the United States. Photo by Nati Shohat/Flash 90. *** Local Caption *** ???? ???? ???? ??????? ??? ???? ??? ???? ???? ????? ????? ?????? ?????? ????? ???? ??? ??????? ????? ??? ??? ?????

PEARLS, Agudath Israel of America and Torah Umesorah filed a lawsuit on erev Yom Tov challenging the regulations recently enacted by the State Education Department.

The lawsuit explains the multiple ways that the regulations violate State and Federal law and procedure, including by running a sham Notice and Comment process and by imposing more requirements and restrictions on yeshivas than on public schools.

The lawsuit requests a declaration that the new regulations are null and void and unenforceable, the same relief that the yeshiva community obtained in 2019 when challenging the State’s prior effort to regulate yeshivas.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

18 Responses

  1. The Agudah should have awaited until after סוכות 🍋 to file this, to avoid causing מלאכה being performed on יום-טוב9 or/& חול-המועד which would have been a tremendous boost to merit סייעתא דשמיא

    I now have lost all respect for Agudah

  2. My respect for the Agudah has increase exponentially that they have filed this lawsuit in a timely manner and are concerned with the needs of the רבים.

  3. Even a broken clock is right twice a day!
    Eva Brown of Albany is right on this one!
    It’s about time these excuses for “educational institutions” be forced to provide actual EDUCATION, so that their “graduates” are not leaches on the society!

  4. It won’t matter one way or the other. Those people effected will vote for Hochul overwhelmingly anyway. They get what they vote for. Enjoy. Stop coming to the modernishe Litvishe to keep bailing you out. Elections DO have consequences! You reap what you sow.

  5. The SED just ire’s the first salvo in the war against yeshivos. Typical we strategy divide and conquer. They didn’t go after Satmar they are too powerful so they go after the smaller yeshiva. HASHEM should help Pupa shouldn’t give even an inch. The SED doesn’t care that we have no murderers. They couldn’t care if all chasidishe graduates were as successful as Bill Gates as smart as Einstein or as honest as Lincoln The SED wants us to do their curriculum It won’t stop with chasidishe yeshivos their goal is for all yeshivos to teach nevala and kefira We can’t let them have even an inch

  6. The SED just fired the first salvo in the war against yeshivos. Typical war strategy divide and conquer. They didn’t go after Satmar they are too powerful so they go after the smaller yeshiva. HASHEM should help Pupa shouldn’t give even an inch. The SED doesn’t care that we have no murderers. They couldn’t care if all chasidishe graduates were as successful as Bill Gates as smart as Einstein or as honest as Lincoln The SED wants us to do their curriculum It won’t stop with chasidishe yeshivos their goal is for all yeshivos to teach nevala and kefira We can’t let them have even an inch

  7. Petition makes a strong point that public comments were rejected very quickly and did not change the text much. When defending a multi-culti claim, petition mentions that dual-language public school programs start with 10% English with the goal of achieving 50-50%. I wonder whether this could be a compromise point that everyone can agree upon. It is clearly not possible to shift a 99% non-English school to 50% immediately, but if the petitioners seemingly agree to a program that achieves 50% over several years, this should be agreeable to the government.

    Also, petition mention that yeshivas produce a lot of professionals but unfortunately do not bring any solid numbers on that. Maybe I missed them.

  8. Instead of “bombshell” lawsuits, how about you stop voting for the anti-God, totalitarian, communist, anarchist, neo-fascist party of evil, AKA the Demonrat party? It’s easier and cheaper.

  9. kach is the leech on society…..I could care less if a child rolls a ball or an alley in a yeshiva or primary school year…eventually a spark or light will infuse this child to pick up a book or tale of interest….what must be removed is the filth and minds of those who do not love Hashem or Torah…..this is what counts…not even me.

  10. real inside story. I and the other thousands of yidden who wrote letters to the SED were naive to believe that our voice would be heard. We were all proud of our successful yeshiva graduates. Satmar made a business expo which displayed their success. And lastly we proudly announce we have no murders or violent criminals coming out of our yeshivos. BUT the SED cares only about control. They couldn’t care if everyone of our yeshiva graduate was as rich as Bill Gates as smart as Einstein or as honest as Lincoln or even as liberal as Deblassio. They want us to teach THEIR curriculum. Second many wrote in their letters that we get thinking skills and morals from Chumash and Gemara. The SED laughs at us. They look at Chumash as simple bible stories l״a. The Gemara is just some abstract law book mixed with mythology l”a To them our students are wasting their time. The SED won’t stop here they want us to teach that Hester has two moms (nevala) and evolution (;kefira) and for those who say stop taking money. It’s not the money. Even if the yeshivos stop taking money they will still want us to follow their curriculum.

  11. Maybe we should be more active in showing our case – collect and quote crime, family, employment statistics, not just make statements. If the yeshivos graduated enough lawyers and statisticians, these people should start publishing.

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