HATE IN FLATBUSH: Jewish Man Punched By Anti-Semite On Avenue N And East 21 On Sukkos Morning

A 27-year-old man was the victim of  hate crime in Flatbush on Tuesday, the second day of Sukkos.

Sources tell YWN that the victim was walking on Avenue N and East 21st Street at around 10:15AM, when a black male suspect walked up to the Jewish victim, unleashed some anti-Semitic expletives, and punched the victim in the chest.

Flatbush Hatzolah transported the victim to Community Hospital where he was treated.

The NYPD and Flatbush Shomrim’s Yom Tov Patrol were on the scene in seconds and canvassed the area. Unfortunately, the suspect had fled before authorities arrived.

The NYPD 70 Precinct Commanding Officer Deputy Inspector Bruce P. Ceparano personally responded to the scene and the hospital, and quickly notified the NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force.

A description of the suspect will be published by YWN shortly.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. Please remove the race of the suspect. I’m very concerned with white backlash against the African American community. Chris Wray is correct.

  2. And you fools live in a dream. Leave you city is turning into a jungle with no hope of the city government changing course soon

  3. Many years ago, Reb Yaakov Kamenetsky (may his memory be blessed) he advised people not to wear outside a Tallis on top of all your garments. He said that we are still in Galus. I am wondering if maybe Reb Yaakov was trying to hint to us that maybe one day America won’t be so super friendly with us like in the previous years. Maybe he was hinting that we should cry for Mashiach.

  4. We really need to focus on what is happening.
    This article is talking about Flatbush.
    Also someone got punched in the face right in front of Chabad at 770.
    In Kyiv Ukraine missiles landed a few meters away from a large Chabad Shul.
    We need to ask Hashem to please help us.

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