Want To Make Sure That Tefillos Of Tinokis Shel Bais Rabban Will Also Be Yours?

In just a few hours, we will all be on our way to Kol Nidre. We prepare in many ways for Yom Kippur, including by making sure our clothing is neat and clean, and our kittels are pressed.

That is because when we are dressed properly, we daven properly.

For thousands of families, that is easier said than done. They simply don’t have the resources to buy new clothing for their children.

That’s where Bobbie’s Place comes in. Thousands of families and more than 11,000 children and teens rely on Bobbie’s Place for their clothing. They will go to shul this Yom Kippur and daven proudly, confidently and beautifully.

Bobbie’s Place is truly tzedakah done the right way – respectful of the dignity of the recipients and of the contributions of the donors.

Bobbie’s Place has no paid employees and minimal overhead, so every dollar donated is used to purchase new clothing.

Donate today, and ensure that the tefilos of these tinokos shel beis rabban will also be your tefilos.

Watch this 30 second video with Rav Elya Brudny and Rav Yisroel Reisman explaining the importance of helping these children and families.

May we all merit a gmar chasima tova and a gut g’bensht yahr.

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