The Oorah Rebbetzins Program

Oorah Rebbitzen 120x60.gifFor most of us, the phase in our lives known as shidduchim consists of parents, loved ones, and friends reaching out to a network of contacts to find suitable marriage partners. 

Imagine, if you can, going through the shidduch process all alone. 

Such is the situation in which thousands of Baal Teshuva singles find themselves: no guidance, no contacts, no loving advocate to be mechazek them each step of the way.

Oorah established The Rebbetzins program to address this unmet need.  The program pairs singles with a Rebbetzin who lives in close proximity to them. There is an active network of Rebbetzins located throughout the country, who act as a surrogate parent, helping each single throughout the shidduch process. 

Click HERE to refer a friend or to submit your application online.


4 Responses

  1. I am aware of the work being done by this organization, with employees, who offer their home numbers to make themselves available at all hours, listening with their hearts and minds, and who do their utmost to make the Shidduch candidates feel comfortable. Much effort was expended to get it where it is today and will continue, IYH. This project is amazing due to the hardworking staff involved, and is so needed.

  2. i think oorah was very smart to make that process and i am very happy about it because i know alot of single people that have to do it all by themselves

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