HE’S GONE: Biden Looks Around for Dead Congresswoman During White House Event [SEE THE VIDEO]

President Joe Biden raised a whole bunch of eyebrows Wednesday when he started calling out and looking for a Congresswoman who is no longer alive during a White House event.

Speaking at the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health, Biden gave a shoutout to the late Republican Rep. Jackie Walorski, who along with two staffers died in a tragic traffic accident in August.

“I want to thank all of you here, including bipartisan elected officials like… Senator Braun, Senator Booker, Representative… Jackie, Jackie are you here?” Biden said. “I think she was going to be here to help make this a reality.”

Walorski, in fact, was not going to be there, because she’s no longer alive.

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insisted to reporters that the president totally, absolutely knew that Walorski was dead, and that he simply had her “top of mind” when he made the comment.

Jean-Pierre said more than a dozen times that Biden wasn’t confused about the deceased status of the congresswoman.

“The president was naming the congressional champions on this issue and was acknowledging her incredible work,” Jean-Pierre said. “He had already planned to welcome the congresswoman’s family to the White House. On Friday, there will be a bill signing in her honor this coming Friday. So, of course, she was on his mind. She was top of mind for the president.”

But, a reporter asked, if Walorski was indeed on President Biden’s mind, why was he looking for her in the room?

“Again, I think people can understand. I think the American people out there who, you know, watch the briefing from time to time maybe at this moment will understand when someone is that top of mind,” Jean-Pierre responded.

Another reporter said it was “confusing” that Biden thought Walorski was “alive and in the room.”

“I don’t find that confusing,” Jean-Pierre asserted. “I mean, I think many people can speak to, sometimes, when you have someone top of mind, they are at top of mind. Exactly that. And it is also, if you put it into context, it’s not like it happened without outside of context.”

The reporter fired back that he has “John Lennon on top of mind just about every day. But I’m not looking around for him.”

“When you sign a bill for John Lennon as president, then we can have this conversation,” the press secretary concluded.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. He is in advanced stages of dementia. So sad that the sicko dems would use and have been using an old man like that.
    But we knew this already.
    By the way, I find it equally scary for the country that the president has a press secretary who cannot paste together a single coherent sentence ever — starting from day one in the White House, and they can’t fire her because she is Lesbian.
    What an embarrassment. And she’s not even smart enough to realize how embarrassed she is making educated America (half of whom can’t admit they’re embarrassed, mind you, because they have a weird need to pretend that because she is Lesbian, she must be smart).
    Yup, people, it’s a rather sorry state of affairs for the free world these days.
    Scary as hell.
    Scary as hell.

  2. That’s true of all old people. I look around shul and “see” everyone who used to sit there, replaced by hordes of little children accompanied by their ever small children. Life is like that.

  3. I dont like when news sites look to belittle the President. It does not do us any good. Maybe the President’s intention was to create a poignant moment in tribute to Jackie Walorski who had had made children’s safety and wellbeing too of her agenda.

  4. Even more concerning than Biden is the press secretary. He’s over bottle; what’s her excuse? Is she over a bottle? Maybe a fifth? And what’s with this weird expression “top of mind”? I’ve never heard it even once in my life, and here she kept repeating it and even had the reporters doing it!

  5. Now, of course, if former President Trump would of made the exact same comment, what would of been the DNC controlled left wing media’s response???

  6. I believe he probably can see dead people….he does have one foot in the grave, after all.

    But don’t you dare believe your lying eyes. Or your ears. Those too.

  7. Someone said “I mean, I think many people can speak to, sometimes, when you have someone top of mind, they are at top of mind. Exactly that. And it is also, if you put it into context, it’s not like it happened without outside of context,” and this elicited comments about someone /else/’s state of mind?

    I hope that if my wife and children ever hear me speaking like that they will get me to a doctor right away.

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