$60 Million in Stimulus Checks Uncollected in New York

stimulus.jpgThe government said at least $60 million in economic stimulus checks owed to New Yorkers has gone uncollected so far.

With your money sitting there ready to be claimed, the IRS has a simple message. “We have your $300 or $600,” IRS official Richard Byrd said at City Hall. “And we want to send it to you.” At least 200,000 city seniors and veterans are eligible for the stimulus rebates but must file a 1040-A form estimating Social Security income or veterans benefits.

Anyone who is eligible has until Oct. 15 to collect. The IRS will send mailings to these households in the coming days with instructions.

Most people who filed tax returns by April 15 have already received checks of up to $900 for married couples with kids.

Some folks who normally don’t file tax forms likely don’t know that they could be eligible for the cash – but only if they send in the forms.

The mailings will target seniors and vets, but low-income workers who haven’t filed a tax return could be missing out, too. “This money is yours,” said Rep. Jose Serrano (D-Bronx).

(Source: NY Daily News)

11 Responses

  1. Americans living in Israel who have a S.S. # can receive this money too. (even if they haven’t filed a tax return) They should contact U.S. Benefits or some such organization or an American accoountant.

  2. Why does the IRS know how to get to someone if they owe them money but misses the target when they attemp to give them some of their money back?

    How covert and Bushian!

  3. “Bushian”??? sorry but that is absurd!

    the IRS rules have alway been that a person needs to file to receive refunds – nothing is automatic.

    I would not be surprised if the democrats (the obamanations) pass a law to tax the stimulus checks)

    the new 1040:

    line 1 Income……………..
    line 2 Interest……………
    line 3 Stimulus……………
    line 4 …

  4. If anyone does not want their money in which some democrats call, “stupid money that will not do anything” please mail me your checks. I will always accept the money- no questions asked!

    Your money won’t stir the economy but will help pay my bills!

  5. Yes, Bushian!

    And I agree with you I would not be surprised if the Dems passed a law to tax the stimulus checks and would not be surprised, as well, if McCain co-sponsors it.

    While I realize the IRS rules have always been a person needs to file and nothing is automatic, this seems little different than corporations who make “rules” to send in rebate forms with the a priori understanding they stand to make money by people not following through.

    For rebates, take the money off the purchase price. For the IRS, if they know who is owed the money, send it to them.

  6. #8 go inform the IRS that it is taxable. According to their website it is not taxable.

    from the IRS.gov Site
    Basic Information on the Stimulus Payments

    Updated July 18, 2008

    Find out more about what it is and how to get it, if you haven’t already.

    What is it? It’s an economic stimulus payment that more than 124 million households will receive. It’s not taxable, and it won’t reduce your 2007 or 2008 refund or increase the amount you owe when you file your 2008 return. Payments started in May and will continue through the end of 2008.


    any rebuttal???

  7. Bas Torah – you live up your posting name. if I answered you in too strong of a way or just plain in a way that was not nice, please forgive me.

  8. mdlevine – there’s nothing to forgive you for. I gave you misinformation, and I was actually glad to hear I was wrong – it means my tax return will be bigger next year! 🙂

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