NEW TROUBLE: Trump Lied About Fake Security Concerns to Wriggle Away from Deposition

Former President Trump fabricated claims that the Secret Service had security concerns about him sitting for a deposition at New York AG Letitia James’ office in an attempt to get its location moved, according to court documents seen by people who spoke with the Daily Beast.

In the days prior to his August 10th deposition, Trump asked that the deposition be moved to Trump Tower, with his lawyers stating that the Secret Service had concerns about transporting him to the AG’s office in Manhattan’s Financial District. The letter requesting the location change cited vague security worries at the AG’s office.

The letter did not have any certification from the Secret Service that any such security concerns were present, and the agency said this Tuesday that it was “unaware of any security challenges at the Office of the New York State Attorney General.”

The deposition went on as originally scheduled at the AG’s office, in which Trump pleaded the Fifth hundreds of times.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. really, please tell this garbage to someone who really cares….YWN___I think Biden has caused more issues and problems in the world than even Satan himself or perhaps Biden and

  2. I have yet to see a headline that says that any Democrats have lied! Kamala Harris just said that our border is secure. She said it with a straight face, yet no one called her out on it, and no where is there a headline that says “Kamala Harris Lied About the Border.” Nor did I see a headline that Biden lied about inflation when he said there was zero inflation. But, the minute President Trump says anything that is remotely off, there it is in big bold letters even when in this case we don’t even President Trump’s exact words, and it may have been the advice of his lawyers not to have the deposition at the AG’s office. The Democrats lie routinely about so many things — they mischaracterize events; they change the wording of a transcript to fit their narrative, and I could go on and on, but never is there a headline about any of these things.

  3. YWN your audience ain’t care what you have to say about trump. Don’t forget where this hatred against comes from it’s from your leftist media friends!! Don’t be foolish by following all these nonsense because you will be outnumbered pretty quickly

  4. The whole global warming nonsense is a lie toeiva is a lie abortion is a lie these are the greatest lies of them all. stop with the nit picking of reb don

  5. @aymdoc- because that’s exactly what real Trumpers do. When they call him out on something, their response is usually that Hillary, Biden, Hunter Biden etc did much worse stuff.

  6. So you are trusting The Daily Beast, AKA The Daily B’haima, as if it is lhavdil, הלכה למשה מסיני???


    By the way, why don’t you put a real byline on your story? Show us where you lifted your false information from.

  7. Guys, chill. This is Trump at his finest, making sure to dominate the news EVERY day and steal all attention from sleepy joe. He survived the collusion, two impeachments, he’ll survive this too

  8. Christianity is suffering badly from the hypocritical behavior of so many of its adherents supporting an obvious moral degenerate. In particular they are laughingstocks every time they make a statement about sexual morality.

    Fortunately there are lots of frum Jews who see Trump for the lying treasonous swindling licentious hypocrite that he is and we say so.

  9. For the immoral lying adulterer, NAMED RT, another day another lie. ANOTHER DAY WITHOUT THERAPY FOR RT. PLEASE GO AND GET HELP FOR THE episode YOU HAD WITH TRUMP!

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