5 Reasons Staying Hydrated is Essential to Your Health

Hydration is something that most people know is important, but a lot of people struggle to actually take seriously. It’s not that the average person doesn’t want to be hydrated, but simply that remembering to drink enough water throughout the day can be a little challenging. When you have a lot on your plate with a full schedule and packed day – making sure you drink the recommended 11-15 cups of water you need a day can be a tall order. After all, that is a whole lot of water! 

One of the reasons that people get by with neglecting hydration, is that there are varying levels of severity when it comes to hydration. For many people, they don’t venture into dangerous territory when it comes to water neglect, but simply stay below what is recommended. One of the reasons for this is that people rely on their sense of thirst to alert them to a need for water, but this isn’t always the best method of gauging your hydration.

Just because you aren’t thirsty at the moment doesn’t mean your body doesn’t need some extra fluids. On top of that, hydration is about more than just water. When you lose fluid, typically from sweating, you lose electrolytes as well. Proper hydration is staying fully stocked on fluids that have the goods you actually need like electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals. 

The good news is that staying hydrated can be done through a healthy diet and water intake, as your diet can provide the electrolytes, minerals, and vitamins you need. The human body is mostly composed of water, so it makes sense that to pursue good health and fitness you should pursue consistent hydration. 

If you have been curious as to why hydration is so important and what its benefits are, here is everything you need to know! 

Keeps Organs Functioning Properly

The human body is composed of various systems and organs, and each one requires water in order to function properly. Water isn’t just about making your thirst go away, it helps deliver nutrients through the body on a cellular level. It also helps to lubricate internal organs so that life itself can be sustainable. Another incredible thing that water does, is it helps the body to maintain a consistent internal temperature. 

Water Helps Support Your Immune System

Water supports every single system throughout the body including the immune system. Without proper hydration, your body would be much more vulnerable to potential viruses and pathogens. Not only that, but when your immune system is fighting an infection, water helps keep the immune system strong so it can defeat the infection and heal properly. The skin is the largest human organ and a vital part of the immune system. It acts as the first line of defense and protection for all the internal organs, and it requires a lot of water to stay healthy, strong, and heal properly in case of damage. 

Hydration Can Help With Hangovers

For all of the adults who enjoy drinking responsibility to celebrate occasions, unwind on the weekend, or just spend time with friends, hydration can help minimize hangovers. Now, it’s important to point out that water alone is not a great solution for dealing with the nasty effects of a hangover. That’s why More Labs created the hangover drink that is packed with vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and powerful natural adaptogens that give your body the nutrients it needs to deal with a hangover.

There is no such thing as a hangover cure, but when you drink this increidble hangover drink before or during your night on the town, it can give your body what it needs to fight the hangover the next day! 

Hydration Helps You Sleep

Sleeping is one of the most important aspects of physical health and fitness. The human body needs time to rest from daily activity and rest. Sleep is an important part of health and hydration plays a vital role in it. When a person goes to sleep, oftentimes their body is able to switch into recovery mode which actually burns calories and takes energy. Good hydration ensures that your body won’t be waking you up for a glass of water so it can recover properly. 

Hydration Can Also Affect Your Mood

It may sound odd, but being dehydrated can affect your ability to process cognitively which can lend itself to feeling bad or having a poor disposition. Proper hydration gives your brain the nutrition it needs to think clearly which can lead to an improved mood! 


These are only five of the many great reasons why staying hydrated can help someone live their best life. From helping to mitigate or minimize the effects of a nasty hangover, to improved sleep and mood and a supported immune system, good hydration can positively affect almost every aspect of a person’s health!

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