4 Methods to Deal With Your Dog’s Itching

There might be some disbelief publicly as to what could be the reason a person could try to give a dog cbd. Cannabidiol (CBD) on record has many uses for humans from sleep aid to heart health and cancer treatment however for canines the studies are still in their nascent stages. With pain relief and allergic reactions being the CBD use that most dog owners have allowed their pets to be exposed to. However there is one more issue that CBD has a track record of relieving. 
While it is sometimes quite amusing to see a dog trying to soothe whatever is irritating their skin through their fur. Nature would see them literally try to scratch their itch by sitting and, depending where the source of the irritation is, use their hind legs to try to alleviate that problem spot. If the hind leg is not good enough, dogs may attempt to roll on their back and try to get their relief and if that is not good enough then they might get desperate enough to bite or lick their skin – some might resort to rubbing their butts on the ground. 

Now the natural reaction would be for an owner to leave their dogs to their own devices however it would be prudent for a dog owner to take extra special attention if there is no improvement and try to aid their dog’s efforts to assuage their itchiness. The following are just mere suggestions at the course of action to take as no one has the definitive answer as to what would work for every dog in every situation; this would be a good start.
What Could Help A Dog With Its Itching?

CBD – Has been making strides across the country as one of the top alternative methods to help dogs deal with their itch. But since dogs can not purchase the product by themselves, at least not quite yet, their human companions have to be trusted to make the decision to give it a try. To clear things up, what would be used for the dog would not contain any hint of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) – which is responsible for producing the psychogenic state caused by regular marijuana.
The CBD oil works as a natural anti-inflammatory which soothes the dog’s need to itch while providing adequate relief. In addition to those two positive results, CBD oil is also known to gradually reduce skin ailments and help to repair the dog skin’s natural barrier. This allows it to heal more effectively if the CBD is used over a period of time. In addition to oils, to deal with itchiness, CBD can be infused in shampoos and conditioners to be applied to a dog’s skin.

Aloe Vera – is great for relieving redness and drawing heat away from a dog’s skin. Once, and this is important if it does not contain alcohol. Dogs should not be given the whole leaves of the aloe vera plant to chew on, the toxins might be too much for their little tummies, but instead, aloe vera should be applied topically. Acemannan is sugar in aloe vera that is helpful for dogs with rashes and skin infections, it also has antimicrobial properties that prevent infection of irritated or inflamed skin by killing harmful bacteria.

Colloidal Oatmeal Baths – this could be great for dogs with itchy, irritated skin. The oatmeal acts as a protectant for the dog’s skin, helping to soothe irritation and itchiness. This bath should help the dog’s skin develop a protective barrier that locks moisture in and slows the loss of hydrating ingredients, preventing dryness. By definition, colloidal oatmeal is oatmeal that has been ground up very fine and made into a liquid. Rule of thumb is that owners should never use instant or flavored oatmeal for bathing or soaking dogs. If colloidal oatmeal isn’t readily available then owners can ground up plain, whole oatmeal in a blender to make a powder to add to a bath. In addition to homemade oatmeal baths, there are also specifically formulated oatmeal shampoo for dogs which should be available at most pet stores or veterinary clinics. 

Apple Cider Vinegar – is made through the process of fermenting apples. The fermentation process results in an acidic vinegar that contains acetic acid, as well as some lactic, citric, and malic acids. There are quite a few benefits apple cider vinegar could have on dogs but quelling itchy skin is one of the main ones. An apple cider vinegar bath for dogs, helps to balance the pH of a dog’s skin. This happens through the acidity in the vinegar, while the rest of apple cider vinegar properties are antiseptic and antibacterial in nature. Apple cider vinegar also calms skin irritations and inflammation which helps dogs feel better. Please dilute a solution of 50/50 apple cider vinegar and purified water to a spray bottle and apply directly to the dog’s skin. Try some on its fur to improve the dog’s coat quality and reduce occurrences of dandruff.

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