Lakewood: Child Struck by Vehicle Seriously Injured

lakewoodpatch.jpgA 5-year-old boy suffered serious injuries on Shabbos morning when he was R”L hit by a car while crossing the street.

Police said the boy suffered a fractured femur and possibly a skull fracture when he was hit by a vehicle on as he was was attempting to cross the intersection of Chestnut Street and Cecil Court. The boy was crossing together with his father at the time of the accident.

He was transported by Lakewood Hatzolah Paramedics to the Jersey Shore Trauma Center. 

No summonses have been issued by police to the driver.

(Dov Gordon – YWN / YW-50)

10 Responses

  1. B’H the child is doing ok. he does not have a skull injury. he had surgery today on the femur bone, and is B”H doing o.k.

  2. I was on the scene, and the fast response of Hatzoloh and the Hatzoloh doctor, Dr Peltz, was amazing.
    Big thanks to Hatzoloh for always being there to save lives.

  3. chasdei hashem the boy is recovering and he will iy”h be released from the hospital in the next day or so

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