KASHER YOUR KEILIM: OK Kosher Pulls Hashgacha from Manalapan Eatery After Owner is Busted Buying TREIF Meat and Chicken

OK Kosher has pulled their certification of Kosher Chinese Express in Manalapan, NJ, after damning video emerged of the eatery’s proprietor buying treif meat and chickens at a nearby wholesale store.

In a statement, OK Kosher said that “after intense and careful investigation” into the allegations, it has determined that it must pull its hashgacha from the popular restaurant, and said the eatery is no longer operational.

“In consultation with Poskim it is recommended that customers of Chinese Express that have purchased any of their products in the past 6 months and used any of their personal utensils are advised to Kasher those utensils. Please reach out to your personal Rav for guidance and further instructions,” the statement said.

Editor’s Note: YWN reached out multiple times to OK Kosher throughout the day to obtain information regarding this scandal so that restaurant patrons could gain some clarity on the matter. Despite numerous attempts through various means, multiple top OK Kosher officials refused to discuss the matter and would not provide any statement at all (essentially ignoring YWN), leaving our readers in the dark regarding this deeply concerning matter. Stonewalling patrons of a restaurant possibly being served treif in their search for information and guidance is not only disturbing, it also calls into question whether the hashgacha should be relied upon at all. 

Original story continues below.


A popular kosher Chinese restaurant in Manalapan, NJ, has suddenly closed its doors to business after serious allegations against the eatery surfaced on Monday morning.

Video of an individual who is ostensibly the owner of the restaurant shows the man buying what appears to be non-kosher chicken and meat from a nearby wholesale establishment, and allegations against the store and its kashrus certifier, the OK, immediately began swirling.

Little is yet known about the veracity of the allegations – neither the store nor the OK have responded to multiple YWN requests for comment – though some have already condemned the store, with negative reviews piling up on the eatery’s profile on Google.

However, one individual with inside knowledge of the kosher restaurant industry, Elan Kornblum, wrote in a Facebook post that he spoke to the OK who informed him that the allegations are misguided and incorrect.

The following is an exact copy of his post, unedited so as not to misconstrue anything he said:

“So as many of you probably have seen, there is this video and photo going around that someone took of the owner/chef (Non Jewish) of Manalapan Kosher Chinese yesterday at Restaurant Depot showing him buying non Kosher chicken and meat (cases) at Restaurant Depot. The OK Supervision was told of the findings and has been investigating. I never like to post anything without looking into it, so I have spoken to Rabbi Weinfeld of the OK and this is the latest The OK has been on top of this since being told. They have looked at all the cameras, searched the restaurant, spoken to the mashgiach and are very confident nothing non Kosher was ever brought into the store. They were told the non Kosher items were bought for another store. Consequently or coincidentally, the restaurant has told the OK today that they will be closing the store for good. I don’t know if he is closing because of all the events in the last 24 hours. I will say, the spread of this didn’t help and if in fact he bought it for another place, nothing to do with the kosher place and now is forced to close, that would be a shame. On the other hand, we don’t know the 100% truth and these matters are very serious. In fact the OK did tell me that because of lack of trust (when questioning the owner) they wouldn’t feel comfortable continuing with their supervision of the store. Sad all around.”

Others, however, allege that the restaurant owner bought the non-kosher meat and chicken using the store’s credit card, and that when he was approached by OK Kashrus mashgichim, he began “fumbling on his words.” This allegation is not verified, nor is it necessarily evidence of wrongdoing.

Meanwhile, thousands across the tri-state are waiting for official word from the OK as to the allegations and whether the store should be patronized or not.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

58 Responses

  1. Maybe from now on, the Kashrus organization, they should be the ones to buy the meat and chicken.
    Also I think that all meat restaurants, they really need two Mashgichim if the owner is a non-Jew or not Frum.

  2. Many questions come to mind.
    1. Does he even own another store? If yes, this would in itself be a scandal. How does a kosher certifier give a certificate to such an establishment?
    2. There was obviously a person that took the video of the owner buying these products. Did someone interview him? Did he follow the vehicle to see where he was going? I would have!!!
    3. Who has the keys to the store? Is the mashgiach the only one with the keys? Was the mashgiach sleeping on the job? We’re they able to sneak in non kosher chicken/beef while the mashgiach wasn’t looking?
    In our town, the Vaad hakashrus, does not allow any meat establishment to even be partially owned by a non Jew and even a partner that is not shomer shabbos.
    Many years ago, a restaurant opened. When it became known that one of the partners were not shomer shabbos, the hechsher was removed. A different certifier from out of town came in and certified the store. They were out of business in a very short time.
    In short, there are many unanswered questions.

  3. Interesting to note that regardless of what really happened, the OK syays they are not comfortable with the owner.

    A certain Kashrus blogger warned about this place and has been telling people not to eat there since 2013. Maybe people should start listening to this guy.

  4. YUdel Shain from Lakewood was the original Hashgocha on the Manalapan chinese restaurant and the owner was KEN. Reb Yudel then brought in the OK as it was located in an area that may have needed a National name hashgocha as well. Reb Yudel did not allow the owner to have a key to the restaurant.
    Reb yudel was there at least twice a week to inspect and check on the mashgichim if they are on top of the situation. Reb Yudel even forced the owner to dismiss his own mother as she was not complying with the mashgichim.
    Two years ahead Rabbi DYL of the OK decided to allow the owner to have keys to the restaurant.
    At that point, Reb Yudel notified DYL and KEN, that he’s leaving.

    The Mashgichim had a number of serious kashrus issues, they called DYL of the OK, to pull the Hashgocha. Rabbi DYL said “it’s lean times, so we can’t drop any hashgochas”.

    Soon after KEN sold it to his Cousin Henry.
    The family has two kosher chinese restaurants in Brooklyn, one in Fairlawn, (one in Elizabeth) one non-kosher in philly. FYI- There is a restaurant Depot right near the non-kosher restaurant in Philly.

    Soon after that, Yudel’s Mashgichim left the place and were replaced with the current one.

    Every year before Chanukah, Yudel put on his blog a warning not to trust the Manalapan Chinese Restaurant

  5. well, at least it is halal … It would be easy to verify whether he is running another restaurant. If yes, it would be for the kashrus organization to establish guidelines or to not allow that. Was he hiding that? Did OK ask him to certify that he does not have other food businesses? All of this could be clarified before spreading information around, given that potentially you are hurting or even destroying the business. Also, we should be all for everyone – Chinese, Indians, Koreans – opening kosher restaurants, with proper supervision. The more restaurants are better for the consumers and community in general, although I can imagine that Jewish businessmen would like to restrict competition.

  6. > FYI- There is a restaurant Depot right near the non-kosher restaurant in Philly.

    ok, so it seems was the known fact, that this sounds like an innocent explanation. I don’t think people would listen to the former mashgiach, they might decide that he has some personal issues here. Someone else should verify the facts that the former mashgiach is claiming.

  7. Avraham,
    Why not 5 or 10 Mashgichim?
    After all you’re not paying for it (except in higher prices if you eat there).
    I’ve worked in places like these & know many others that did as well and generally 1 Mashgiach is plenty.

  8. I remember many years ago in Los Angeles, there was also there a big meat scandal. I think maybe the Mashgiach left the site for a number of minutes or maybe the Mashgiach had an emergency.
    Mike Engleman owner of Doheny (Glatt Kosher???) March 2013…. Los Angeles, CA——-
    When the Mashgiach turned the corner, the workers quickly signaled to each other to quickly unload the car trunk and quickly stick the frozen meat in the freezer before the Mashgiach returns.
    The best advice:: You need two Mashgichim

  9. You can’t trust a non religious Jew or a goy on these type of stores especially when they have a non kosher one as well.

  10. Ok so for everyone saying can’t trust a goy.

    Unfortunately you ABSOLUTELY can’t trust a yid when money is involved either.

    As has happened MANY times before, the place on Ave J, the monsey chicken guy, etc. All were very reputable frum owned places. Money is tempting! Very tempting especially in these hard times.

    In regard to two mashgichim? Why not 3 or 4. At several thousand dollars per month it adds up. I’m sure not going to pay $50 for general tsos…

    In this day and age one mashgiach with multiple well placed cameras and smart locks etc this shouldn’t be an issue. I don’t even know if you need a guy sitting there all the time. As long as someone watches the cameras from a central location and a physical body pops in at random times, should be OK.

  11. Never eat in a restaurant that is owned by a goy. You’re only asking for trouble. Common sense.
    Today, the main job of a mashgiach is to man the cash register and pack boxes in the basement when it’s quiet. Mashgichim DON’T get paid by the Kashruth organization! They get paid by the restaurant owner, just like Pedro and Julio do. They are beholden and intimidated by their boss. Kashrus in many of these eateries is a total joke. The Mashgiach is the only one wearing a kipa, so the owner pushes him up front. In the meantime, he has no clue about what’s going on in the back and what kind of food is being brought in.

  12. Sechel okum, why on earth shouldn’t he have another store? What would be scandalous about that?

    Your town va’ad’s policies are not relevant to anyone else. There is no reason a non-Jew should not own a kosher place. If you only allow frum Jews to own these places, then you don’t even need a hashgacha in the first place! The halacha is very clear that any frum Jew has a chezkas kashrus and while everyone is entitled to be machmir for themselves nobody has ANY RIGHT to challenge the halacha. That doesn’t change no matter how many scandals there are. The customers of Shevach were right to trust it, and if an identical place were to open the next day they’d be right to trust that one too.

  13. So YWN is upset that the OK wouldn’t talk to them. I wouldn’t want to talk to YWN either! There’s no reason to engage in a conversation when they’re trying to figure out what went on. At that point all it is is being a yenta. Yenta world news!

  14. The only way to avoid having to kasher your utensils in future is not to ever bring any takeout food into your house and to only use meat and poultry that is in sealed packages from the producer. The practice of chassidish rebbes not to eat from outside of their homes makes sense.
    We managed until 25 or 30 years ago with few kosher restaurants, but the younger generation’s need of different foods leads to potential problems with kashrus.

  15. Why did the OK get a ruling that all consumers from the last six months Kasher their utensils?? Is the OK admitting that there were likely infractions going on for months?? Did they not have systems in place to not just prevent this from happening but to also confirm it wasn’t happening??
    I always thought we can trust our big kashrus organizations. I always thought of the skeptics as “fanatics”. It looks like we really need to rethink the world of Hashgacha and the OK in particular. People say when it comes to business/money no one can be trusted and for that reason every food establishment needs a hashgacha. In the same vein I would say every Hashgacha is a business looking to cash in on their recurring accounts – They too need a Hashgacha.
    I’m curious to know if we can rely on the OK for anything else now or have, they lost their Chezkas Kashrus?? This is a serious question.
    I would think the prudent thing to do is not touch anything else that has an OK on it. They have a lot of explaining to do and the letter they put out falls far short of that.

  16. Here is a true story which happened 40+ years ago and within 60 minutes of Lakewood.

    A non-religious Jew had a hashgocha for his restaurant. He hired a kid named Chris to work in the deli restaurant. Chris was a high school classmate of my non-religious niece.

    One day, Chris shared with my niece, “I do not understand my boss at the deli. He buys his meat at the market next door and pays retail prices. My father is in the wholesale meat business and could sell him meat at wholesale prices, but he refuses to buy from my father.” My niece immediately realized the problem.

    My niece told my sister-in-law, who called us. I immediately contacted the Rav HaMachshir and related the story. He did not withdraw the hashgocha. I related the story to a famous kashrus expert who told me, “When they started that hashgocha, they asked me if they needed a mashgiach tmidi or whether a yotzei v’nichnas was sufficient. I told them that min hadin a yotzei v’nichnas was sufficient. However, I advised them that as more kolel families move in the area, they had better upgrade to a mashgiach tmidi.”

    Several weeks later, the rabbi’s wife was shopping in the market next to the deli and she observed the deli owner making food purchases, including chicken and beef. She watched him check out and surreptitiously followed him out of the market. He carried all the food into his deli. Within a day, the rabbi had withdrawn the hashgocha.

  17. knishtix wrote “Unfortunately you ABSOLUTELY can’t trust a yid when money is involved either.” Well, can you trust the kashrus organizations when money is involved? Each establishment is a customer that the kashrus organization makes money from! If they are too strict, they lose their customers…but we DO trust them, even though “money is involved”.

    Milhouse – technically, you are right, that hashgochas are not required “m’ikar ha’din” for food to be kosher, except… there was a takona that (I believe started with matzos = you can check the history yourself and correct me) to require hashgochas when financial incentives are involved. This takona of hashgocha spread to all commercial foods (the chezkas kashrus of a yid serving food is limited to private food when eid echad ne’eman b’isurin).

    While on topic, imagine if the pri eitz ha’daas would need hashgocha, rather than Adam eating the food trusting Chava (because isha ne’enemes al ha’ma’acholin)! Seforim ask indeed what was his avaira since it was muttar for him to eat the food his wife served him – and various answers are suggested.

  18. For age Hashgacha I’ve worked for I did nothing but observe. I’ve never seen a Mashgiach here in a meat place working the register or anything else.

  19. Dear Rebbetzin. Hashem told adam don’t eat from the eitz hadaas . No matter what bais yackov and seminary chava went to, he couldn’t eat it, even if his wife served it to him.

  20. Yudel Shain has been warning people not to eat from this place for years now. I believe since 2013. Sam thing happened in Monsey. Yudel warned about it for years.

    Yudel is like Trump. Usually correct, not so tactful on delivery of message.

    Maybe we should start listening to his other warnings too. How many people have eaten treif for who knows how long from this restaurant. The timtum halev caused by this is unpreparable.

  21. YUdel Shain from Lakewood was the original Hashgocha on the Manalapan chinese restaurant and the owner was KEN. Reb Yudel then brought in the OK as it was located in an area that may have needed a National name hashgocha as well. Reb Yudel did not allow the owner to have a key to the restaurant.

    The Mashgichim had a number of serious kashrus issues, they called DYL of the OK, to pull the Hashgocha. Rabbi DYL said “it’s lean times, so we can’t drop any hashgochas”.

    Soon after KEN sold it to his Cousin Henry.
    The family has two kosher chinese restaurants in Brooklyn, one in Fairlawn, (one in Elizabeth) one non-kosher in philly. FYI- There is a restaurant Depot right near the non-kosher restaurant in Philly.

    Soon after that, Yudel’s Mashgichim left the place and were replaced with the current one.

    Every year before Chanukah, Yudel put on his blog a warning not to trust the Manalapan Chinese Restaurant

    Reb yudel was there at least twice a week to inspect and check on the mashgichim if they are on top of the situation. Reb Yudel even forced the owner to dismiss his own mother as she was not complying with the mashgichim.

    Two years ahead Rabbi DYL of the OK decided to allow the owner to have keys to the restaurant.
    At that point, Reb Yudel notified DYL and KEN, that he’s leaving.
    The rest is history
    BTW- Reb Yudel caught Finkel 8 yeard before, the Rabbonim and Rav Hamacshir didn’t want to listen to him.
    The Borough Park butcher, Yudel also nailed him, the Boca Raton, supermarkets butcher, among numerous others.
    In the 40 + years yudel was never proven wrong in any of his kashrus issues that he raised.
    BTW- Reb Moshe has teshuva that the operated cows’ milk is Treif.

  22. Amazing. We are obsessed with a Chinese restaurant serving halal meat under supervision by erlich yidden but treat goyim and each other like garbage. CHOVOS LEVOVOS!

  23. How about eating in a business where there is NO HASHGACHA?? Owner says she uses only kosher ingredients and doesnt need a hechsher. Frum Yirei Shamayim buy not realizing that when a profit is in the equation, one must have an outside hechsher as the Yetzer Hara is stronger. Besides there are many Kashrus issues even when you are using only Kosher ingredients.

  24. Attn YWN:
    It is extremely inappropriate to suggest that there is a problem with using the OK just because you wanted to have the scoop first.
    It’s one thing to enlighten the community about a potential kashrus threat and not only is it nice to know the news, but it is a service to the community. However, suggesting that because a reputable kashrus organization run by major gedolim and poskim chose to verify a story and inform people of the facts needed, and ONLY the facts needed, instead of making a major political scandal, they may not be a good hashgacha is a gross lack of moral code.
    I feel disgusted and compelled to find my information from another site. Such a comment goes against the mehalech of the Yeshiva World and I think it is unfair to demoralize yourself to all your readers in such a manner.
    As a community news site, you have an obligation to present the news on a standard that befits our nation.
    The comment regarding the OK that you left on your article did not in any way befit the standards in the Yeshiva World and is an embarrassment to your name.

  25. In regards to the editors note:

    Editor’s Note: YWN reached out multiple times to OK Kosher throughout the day to obtain information regarding this scandal so that restaurant patrons could gain some clarity on the matter. Despite numerous attempts through various means, multiple top OK Kosher officials refused to discuss the matter and would not provide any statement at all (essentially ignoring YWN), leaving our readers in the dark regarding this deeply concerning matter. Stonewalling patrons of a restaurant possibly being served treif in their search for information and guidance is not only disturbing, it also calls into question whether the hashgacha should be relied upon at all.

    1. The Hashgocha needs time to verify the facts and not jump to conclusions. The owner was not seen loading this food into his store. You at YWN are a news outlet and shouldn’t feel that you can demand the facts as you want them. What gives you that right? You don’t represent your readers in that way.

    2. Who are you to question whether the OK is a good reliable hechsher? Let people speak to their Rov and figure that out.

    If you want to report news that’s fine. But please leave your opinions to yourself.

    No agency is beholden to answer you on the spot. Especially in a situation where the facts are not clear. Please know your place as a news reporters – you are not Daas Torah.

  26. @oklist,
    I agree with you and I emailed them earlier eith such questions. The last time I had suspicious questions to OK they called me back and gave a very good explanation so I’ll be waiting for their response and explanations.

  27. EmEmC, you asked me: “Dear Rebbetzin. Hashem told adam don’t eat from the eitz hadaas . No matter what bais yackov and seminary chava went to, he couldn’t eat it, even if his wife served it to him.”

    Let me explain, when Adam told Hashem that he ate it because his wife gave it to him to eat, what was his reasoning? After all, as you say, once Hashem told him not to eat it, he must not eat it, even if his wife serves it to him, so what was his excuse by saying that he ate it because his wife gave it to him?

    Seforim explain, that when Chava gave him to eat from the Eitz HaDaas, the fruit was not noticeable as forbidden – she used the fruit in a food recipe. Now, even though Adam knew that “nikva issur” (prohibited food was established in the Garden), he could assume food his wife feeds him is permitted. If so, he followed halacha, and when he ate it, it was unintentional, so why is he guilty? Seforim explain that after he tasted the food, he realized it was from eitz ha’das, yet he continued to eat. The issue was not the first bite, but the continuation of eating. I believe the Arizal adds that after he ate the first bite, even b’shoggeg, it caused the yetzer to enter him and therefore he succumbed with the ta’ava to continue eating.

    I hope you now have better clarity in this but if not, seek out seforim that explain this (off the top of my head – Pardes Yossef, but many others too).

  28. My grandfather ah who was the head of a very prestigious Kashrus agency said, if you want to make sure 100 percent that you’re eating kosher you have to buy all chicken and meat directly from the source and kasher all chicken and meat yourself!

  29. To simplify, if a frum yid serves you a soup, you may eat it because he has a chezkas kashrus and is ne’eman. But if a frum yid serves you a lobster, no matter which yeshiva he went to and how many semichas he has, you cannot eat it because you see it is issur.

    Chava served Adam “soup” from eitz hadaas (or a kugel or cholpchez), not the “lobster” – the euitz hadaas fruit in a recognizable venue.

  30. Needless to say, any consumption of Ben & Jerry’s ice-cream over these past 6 months is infinitely worse than having eaten at this Chinese Restaurant over these past 6 months, because patronizing anyone boycotting and hurting Israel 🇮🇱 is the most repulsive repugnant behavior possible

  31. #1 Kashrus is very very serious, but lashon hora and motzi shem ra are even more serious. Topics like this must be dealt with very carefully. I don’t think that comments should be allowed unless an expert in hilchos lashon hora reviews each comment before it is posted.

  32. #2 When discussing sensitive topics such as these names of Kashrus agencies and Rabbonim should not be used unless major Rabbonim give their approval to name names.

  33. This looks like a Roger Stone hit job. Who was the person surveilling this guy as he is shopping in Restaurant Depot? He obviously followed him with intentions on framing him. So who is this whistle caller? He should let people know who he is. I mean he is a champion for the klal. He should release his identity for the sake of his family and not for his own honor. It would be good for his children trying to get married.

    Let the whistleblower release his identity so we know his true intentions. Did he have anything to gain from framing this guy?

    Maybe the OK is the real issue. Do they have procedures in place which lead to these issues of ambiguity? Maybe the whistleblower was trying to takedown OK. Was he from a competitive hashgacha?

    We don’t know this without knowing who the whistleblower is.

    Is this typical of Yeshiva World News Journalism. YSN find out who is the whistleblower.

    Personally I don’t care that this caused the restaurant to close. Didn’t really like it after ownership changed.
    This restaurant was great 24 years ago. Great food; great portions. When the ownership switched so did the quality. I remember the manager was a women named something like Pupa. She was amazing. I self catered a family simcha and she really did me good. Anyone running a restaurant in Lakewood should try to find her and hire her.

    Even though I don’t care about the Restaurant closing I do care with self serving hitjobs. It is disingenuous and totally exploitive of us.

    Please let me know if I am totally off.


  34. “Chava served Adam “soup” from eitz hadaas (or a kugel or cholpchez), not the “lobster”

    The Kli Yakar clearly disagrees (as do most meforshim), but he addresses this specific question (his 2nd pshat).

  35. the OK owes the PUBLIC an explanation as to why, when warned in the past of underhanded practices, by the above establishment, they ignored it while the public unaware continued eating their.
    Never mind the gehenoim but the tumtum halev ,THATS CAUSED BY EATING TREIF which that in itself brings to other averos, that i cant or will ever forgive.
    Ive eaten their food on many occasions, last time was 2 weeks ago supper for the whole family. If it turns out they lowered the standard by giving the owner the keys, or as they say the proverbial
    “fox guarding the hen house” thats 100 NEGLIGENCE ON OK’ KASHRUS LABS PART!
    If theyre telling people to kasher their keilim , IT DOESNT GET WORSE THEN THAT !!!!
    the letter they sent out at the least pitiful. not even an apology? nor taking responsibility
    WHERE HAVE WE FAILED IN KASHRUS ?? rabbi yehuda shain was 100 % right all these years when he left and the OK “RELAXED” the supervision or should we say it in plain english LOWERED THE STANDARD AT THE MANALAPAN KOSHER EXPRESS SHAME ON THE OK !!!

  36. To Sir Seriously Please,
    I can not say 100% for sure, but what I really think happened here is that our dear and loving father upstairs who loves us so much, he wanted us to stop eating all that Treiff garbage junky rotten wormy meat and Hashem is the one who put it into this guy’s head to go and follow him and video him.
    “Thank You Hashem”

  37. Back when I was in a local high school. The bachurim used to buy lunch specials from this place for very cheap. My father never let me buy from them because he said “WE DONT BUY MEAT FROM AN OWNER WHO YOU WOULD NOT EAT IN HIS HOUSE”. I always felt left out and had a hard time getting over it. who has the last laugh?
    Probably the owner!

  38. Unfortunately this phenomena is not new, it has happened for numerous times in America since frum Jews moved to this country, and all over the world as well. Compromising on kashrus for a profit and it can only get worse in todays economic climate, unless there is some real changes in the industry.

    YWN needs to do some in depth investigation & reporting to get to when this came about, for how long, how it was able to occur etc.

  39. Yudel is always correct. He knew there was chazer here.

    He said that there are thrips in lots of LETTUCe.


  40. PLEASE NOTE THAT BOTH THE KOSHER EXPRESS IN FAIR LAWN & WEST ORANGE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE STORE IN MANALAPAN. Kosher Express Fair Lawn is under RCBC. Kosher Express West Orange is under the Vaad of MetroWest.

  41. Yudel needs to correct his post from – yudel September 5, 2022 10:43 pm at 10:43 pm.
    PLEASE NOTE THAT BOTH THE KOSHER EXPRESS IN FAIR LAWN & WEST ORANGE ARE NOT AFFILIATED WITH THE STORE IN MANALAPAN. Kosher Express Fair Lawn is under RCBC. Kosher Express West Orange is under the Vaad of MetroWest.

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