Heat Wave Striking Tri-State Area

hw.jpgWith a third straight day of 90 degree temperatures expected throughout the tri-state, Friday will mark the second heat wave this summer. The temperature on Shabbos is expected to surpass Friday’s expected high of 95 degrees. According to CBS2 HD forecasters, the humidity will make the air feel even hotter. So brace yourself!

Most areas will see mostly sunny, yet hazy skies with temperatures running in the low- to mid-90s. Don’t be fooled though, as the sun reaches its highest point past the noon hour on Friday, temps will feel like high 90s into the triple-digits. A heat advisory has been issued for the city and some surrounding counties beginning at noon and ending Shabbos at 6:00PM.

Shabbos will feel much like Friday, but expect temperatures to jump a degree or two with an even hotter and rather sticky day on tap. Heat index values will be in the upper-90s to around 100 degrees. Elliot forecasts some possible relief on Sunday, as a front from the north could possibly move into the area.

Residents are urged to take precautions, such as ensuring that you drink plenty of water and checking on elderly neighbors. If you feel any of the symptoms below, immediately go into a cool location and drink some cool, non-alcoholic liquid, and contact your local Hatzolah.

YWN suggests taking a moment to read the following tips which can save a life:

Do you know the symptoms of heat-related illness? Do you know the difference between heat exhaustion and heat stroke? Do you know what to do if a friend, neighbor or loved one develops a heat-related illness?

Recognize the symptoms of heat-related illnesses:

Heat Exhaustion

*Heavy sweating
*Weak pulse
*Nausea or vomiting
*Cold, clammy skin
*Body temperature will seem normal

Heat exhaustion should be treated with rest in a cool area, drinking water or electroyte solutions, elevating the feet 12 inches, and further medical treatment in severe cases. If not treated, the victim’s condition may escalate to heat stroke. If the victim does not respond to basic treatment, seek medical attention. Heat exhaustion usually occurs when the heat index is between 90 and 105 degrees.

Heat Stroke

Victim should receive immediate medical attention!

*Flushed, hot, dry skin
*Weak or rapid pulse
*Shallow breathing
*Lack of sweating
*Throbbing headache
*Body temperature will be elevated

Heat stroke is the most serious heat-related illness and people exhibiting its symptoms should seek emergency medical attention. Heat stroke usually occurs when the heat index is 130 degrees or higher, but can occur when the heat index surpasses 105 degrees.

(Eli Rowe – YWN NYC)

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