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JARED’S DEFENSE: Mar-a-Lago Raid is Likely Nothing More Than a “Paperwork Issue”

Donald Trump’s son-in-law and top adviser Jared Kushner downplayed the FBI’s raid of the former president’s Mar-a-Lago residence as “an issue of paperwork,” saying that Trump didn’t do anything nefarious, as many want to suggest.

When asked by Sky News why Trump took highly classified documents to his home, Kushner responded, “You have to ask him that question.”

“What I will say is that if you look at my book, you’ll see that he was under constant attack,” Kushner said, plugging his soon-to-be-released book, Breaking History: A White House Memoir.

“But he took top-secret documents home, potentially risking the security of the United States,” Sky News host Kay Burley shot back.

“I think that it’s something that seems like it’s an issue of paperwork that should have been able to be worked out between DOJ and him,” Kushner said. “I don’t know what he did or what he didn’t take, but right now we’re relying on leaks to the media.”

Burley pressed Kushner on the fact that the FBI showed a photo of documents in Mar-a-Lago clearly displaying “Top Secret” classification, arguing that the allegations are not just being made by the left-wing media.

“First of all, he was the president of the United States, he had the highest clearance in the world, so I don’t know – this could be a paperwork issue – I don’t know, like I said, I haven’t been involved in the details of it.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. 1. He wasnt defending him. He was pointing out that there may be any sort of non-criminal explanation to the matter so he doesnt give much credence to sensationalized reports

    2. ask yourself this is yOUR paperwork in order

  2. מיט איין תּחת קען מען ניט טאַנצן אויף צוויי חתונות.

    Although Kushner seems intent on trying to keep dancing on both sides of the political aisle….. He wants to be respected as a “statesman” who achieved significant progress on issues such as criminal justice reform, the Middle-East accords etc. and yet avoid speaking out when confronted with some of the truly craziest behaviors of his shver. History will not judge him well if he maintains this hypocrisy.

  3. YD, what “missing papers”? Where did you get the bizarre idea that anything is missing? Because the FBI says so?! How could the FBI possibly know? Even if for some reason you believe them about what they found, how can you also believe them about what they didn’t find? if something wasn’t there when they raided, how do they know it was there before?

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