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WATCH: Trump Says FBI Has Become “Vicious Monsters” Slams “Third World” Raid

Former President Donald Trump reacted to the recent FBI raid on his Florida home during a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania Saturday night. Trump accused the Biden administration of “Third World” tactics.

“The Biden administration invaded the home of their chief political opponent who is absolutely destroying him and everybody else in the polls….”

“On a phony pretext from a highly political magistrate who they hand-picked late in the evening just days before the break-in and trampled upon my rights and civil liberties as if our country that we love so much were a third world nation, we’re like a third world nation…..”

“FBI agents rifled through First Lady Melania Trump’s closet drawers and even did a deep and ugly search of the room of my sixteen-year-old son…”

FBI Agents left “everything they touched in a far different condition than it was when they started.”

“The FBI and the Justice Department have become vicious monsters controlled by radical left scoundrels, lawyers, and the media who tell them what to do,” Trump said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. Mr Trump (who I voted for and would vote for again because of his policies, not his personal virtues), please explain to us why you were holding onto those documents, in spite of having been given ample opportunity to hand them over. You keep on digging your own grave because of your very large ego. Act like a mentch and you will stand a chance of getting votes from outside of your circle of dedicated supporters.

  2. Of course Trump never explains why he took top secret docs with him and stashed them in his country club. Instead he resorts to name calling and incendiary rhetoric.

    It’s high time that we all recognize the very real danger that Trump presents to this country.

  3. Chaya, he is entitled to keep his personal documents, and the decision on what is a personal document and what is a presidential record is entirely up to him. If the National Archivist disagrees with one or more such decisions, he must negotiate with the former president; he has no authority to get the FBI to march in and seize them.

    In addition, even with documents that are presidential records and thus belong to the USA rather than to the former president, the former president is entitled to unlimited access to them, which in practical terms means that he can hold on to them for as long as he thinks he needs them and does not have to hand them over to the archives until he’s done with them.

    As for some of these documents being allegedly classified, it’s impossible for the government to prove that, since right up to the moment Trump left office he had the absolute authority to declassify anything he liked. There is no procedure for this, no need for any kind of stamp or marking, the president just says “that’s not classified any more” and it isn’t. Nobody even has to hear it; he can be alone in a room and say it, and the document is immediately declassified. And for any prosecution to take place the government would have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he didn’t do that, which is impossible.

  4. Am I correct in my belief that the judge who authorized the FBI raid was a Trump appointee? Trump says the judge was “hand-picked” by the Biden administration to persecute him. Is Trump lying, or is he nuts, or both?

    To chaya13: You expect Trump to act like a mentsch? You would have better luck asking that of a baboon.

  5. @ Chaya13

    It’s no use. The more he will explain the more accusations it will produce. Like the frog(s) in Mitzraim. If you think that a person who is law-abiding and never even got a traffic ticket in his life knowingly crossed into criminal activity then all the explanations in the world will not help. Have patience and the truth will emerge.

  6. If you have read Sholem Mordechai Rubashkin, you would see how terribly corrupt the justice system is in America! The FBI included!

  7. President Trump
    We here in Brooklyn are preparing to support you in greater numbers than ever before. We are already printing tens of thousands of bumper stickers in Hebrew טראמפ 2024. We have bought hundreds of Trump 2024 flags ready to go up all over our Jewish communities the moment you declare your running. Can’t wait. May G-d Almighty Hashem bless you.

  8. i worked for a company that dealt with the government. if i so much as one folder labeled ‘confidential’ (not even ‘secret’ or ‘top secret’ i would have taken back to my house, i would still be in jail today.
    this numbskull of an ex-president takes what he wants home, empties some folders labeled ‘secret’ to give to who knows who, and he still walks around a free man??
    fooey and feh ! i repeat, fooey and feh !

  9. and this numbskull of an ex-president who took the 5th over 60 times on being questioned by congress , is still walking around a free man, after he said anyone who takes the 5th must be guilty
    and this numbskull of an ex-president leads a mob to storm the capitol and tries to upturn our wonderful democracy, is still walking around a free man?
    i repeat , fooey and feh

  10. For two year’s the DemocRATs looked the other way as their followers like ANTIFA and BLM looted and murdered. They burnt down police stations. They smashed windows of stores for miles. Manhattan looked like a ghost town. Stores boarded up and DemocRATic politicians refused to allow national guards to restore order. In California jewish areas were attacked. The Jan 6 was a joke compared to the hundreds of riots orchestrated by the evil DemocRATs. We as Orthodox Jews are lining up this November to vote Republican down the line. We have one message to the DemocRATs. RATS RATS DemocRATs

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