Games to Improve Your Mental Math Skills

Whether you’re 15 or 50, it’s never too late to improve your mental math skills. Mathematics is one of those subjects that scares people the most. It makes us think back to being put on the spot at school, or struggling to add up our pocket money quickly enough at the checkout. Whilst those memories aren’t fond ones for many of us, there’s no need to let them tarnish our relationship with math. If you’ve always struggled with the speed or accuracy of your mental calculations then you probably just need a gentle nudge in the right direction. These games are the perfect way to grab your attention, keep things enjoyable, and improve your arithmetic at the same time.


When it comes to games that are simple to learn and have quick mental math at the center of them, blackjack is pretty close to the top of the leader board. This game requires your mental arithmetic to be lightning-fast and always accurate, but only up to the number 21. This means that even those who are a little less confident in their math skills can join in with this game and improve their addition in the process. It’s possible to play this game with just a deck of cards and a couple of friends, but if you don’t have cards to hand or would rather play alone then it’s also available at an online casino too. Playing online is a great way to play for people who are improving their math skills as there’s nobody around to judge; this can help players feel a little more relaxed. 

However you’re playing, whether in person with friends or online from your own home, when that competitive streak kicks in you’ll start to forget about the addition and it will begin to happen subconsciously. This is one of the best ways to learn as you’re passively picking up a skill, meaning your brain doesn’t focus on the math element and therefore any anxiety is kept firmly out of the equation.


If the focus isn’t on a game that you could bring to games night but rather one that’s going to get right to the center of your mental math skills, then a brain training app might be what you’re after. There are a whole lot of brain training apps on the market, but one of the first to be widely known was Lumosity. This app is still incredibly well thought of because, put quite simply, it works.

Lumosity allows you to choose the areas of ‘brain health’ that you’d like to focus on the most. In this instance we’re going to choose mental arithmetic, but you could also choose memory, reaction times or any other key skill. Once you’ve selected arithmetic as your focus, Lumosity will tailor a training plan to your needs. You’ll be invited to play through a selection of mini games that all have math at the center. You’ll get a score at the end of each game which will be noted down on a graph. As you complete the daily challenges, you’ll hopefully start to see an upward trajectory in the way your graph is moving. Those with a competitive edge can choose to see their graph stacked up against other people they know who also use Lumosity, or, alternatively, other people from all over the world. This can be a little daunting if you struggle with math, so bear that in mind before taking the plunge!


If you want a game that’s endlessly playable, not too much of a mathematical challenge, and still gets you thinking about numbers, then Sudoku is your best bet. This game was brought to popularity in Japan where the language doesn’t lend itself well to crosswords, but the population really enjoy games that get you thinking. Sudoku was the perfect choice as it fits into a newspaper and provides a workout for the brain whilst still being great fun. 

In the game, you have a three-by-three square that’s filled with nine further three-by-three squares. Each of the small squares should have the numbers one through nine in them and each of the rows and columns should also contain the numbers one through nine. Your easier puzzles will begin with a lot of the numbers already filled in and the harder ones will have fewer numbers. Challenging yourself to complete them in gradually faster times is a great way to sharpen up your brain.

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