Two Simultaneous Medevacs In Catskills, One at Camp Sternberg, One at Aladdin Hotel

lifenet3.jpg3:30PM EST: Catskills Hatzolah unfortunately required two choppers at precisely the same time on Friday afternoon.

The first incident took place at the Aladdin Hotel in Woodburne, when a construction worker fell off a ladder, severely injuring himself. The Catskills Hatzolah Paramedic Supervisor who was operating on the scene requested a Medevac to transport the patient to Westchester County Valhalla Trauma Center. The chopper landed at the nearby Firemans Park.

At precisely the same time, Catskills Hatzolah requested a chopper to fly to Camp Sternberg for a child who was seriously injured after a tree R”L fell on top of her. Although her current condition is unknown, she was initially reported to be unconscious by the first arriving Hatzolah units on the scene. A second ambulance was requested to Camp Sternberg as well, for a second child who was possibly struck by the same tree.

The chopper from Camp Sternberg transported the child to the Westchester’s Valhalla Trauma Center as well.

(YWN Sullivan County News Desk / YW-104 / YW-106)

15 Responses

  1. My daughter just called me from Camp Sternberg. She was nearby when it happened. The girl is fifteen years old and her name is Batya bas Donna. The other girl is also a counselor, but her condition is not yet known. Please daven for them and the families that have to deal with this tragedy. My heart breaks for them.

  2. Just received an update from my daughter at camp. One patient was medevaced to a hospital in Pensylvania the other to a local hospital. They will I’Y’H be ok.

  3. Just received some info from a daughter (also) at camp. Both girls are B”H in stable condition and conscious.

  4. I am in Camp Sternberg: The seventeen year old staff member who was sent by helicopter to PA is not in trauma and was just admitted for observation only to the pediatric unit. Her parents are with her.
    The other staff member who was brought to Harris hospital was discharged and will be spending Shabbos with her parents.
    Good Shabbos to Klal Yisroel

  5. I am in Camp Sternberg as well. Both of the girls were counselors for Camp Mishkon, located on Sternberg grounds. One of the girls was already back in camp before Shabbat, and the other is B”H fine but being kept in the hospital for observation until Monday.

  6. i keep recieving tehillim messages ,that say shes having very specific & dangerous problems, for the girl with the more serious injuries; is there any update?

  7. The girl is in the ICU just for observation- but she still needs our tefillos deperately. She is suffering from a brain injury- swelling and bleeding and at the moment monitoring is the only thing that can be done.

  8. Im from lakewood and i personally know these 2 girls. B”h they are both home and will be ok. they are in total stable condition. one girl is just bruised up but B”H nothing else. the other girl had internal bleeding but is doing very well b”H. may we share in only simchas.

  9. Boruch Hashem, Batya bas Donna was released from the hospital, where her doctors were amazed and gratified by her swift recovery.

  10. Actually THREE choppers were needed. One in Camp Sternberg, one at the Aladdin and one in Monticello for an MVA near Quality.

    The Monticello Chopper was diverted to Woodbourne.

    The dispatcher did a heck of a job.

    Camp Sternberg is not really in the “heart” of the Catskills where Hatzolah has busses all over the place. Luckily a member was in the camp at the time and was able to administer 1st aid.

    I think we should all show our appreciation for the selfless volunteers of Hatzolah and donate $$ at the upcoming Shabbos Hatzolah.

    This avodas hakodesh cannot continue without the support of the community!!!

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