Gingrich: Trump Will Be Indicted for Mishandling Classified Info

(AP Photo/Andrew Harnik, File)

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich predicted Thursday night that Donald Trump will be indicted by the Justice Department over allegations that he mishandled top-secret classified documents.

“You have corruption from the Attorney General, to the head of the FBI, to senior elements of the FBI,” he said. “You have collusion from a wide range of the intelligence community. You had, I think it was 50 some intelligence senior officials who signed a letter last year that we now know is a total lie, none of whom have recanted.”

“I fully expect the Justice Department to indict President Trump in a DC court, a district where he got 5.6 percent of the vote. So by 19 to one, the jury is likely to be against him.”

“I have no idea what’s going to happen next,” he added. “I’m a historian by training and I tell everybody you have to assume that nothing, you know, tells you anything about how corrupt and how sick this is going to get. Because you get have fanatic who represent a secular religion who are determined to destroy not just Trump but Trump’s followers. They could do almost anything. We have no way of knowing what the next six months or two years are going to bring.”


14 Responses

  1. Well regardless, we’ll have to choose between Mike Pence, Ron DeSantis, or Mike Pompeo in 2024. All great Republican candidates.

  2. It’s only going to continue to an eventual civil war. Where Orthodox Jews will side with the right and reform atheistic Jews on the left. If war breaks out it will be Orthodox Jews fighting against reform Jews. It’s not the first time. Jews fought on both sides each other when Russia and France were at war and today there are Jews in the Russian army and Jews in the Ukrainian army fighting each other.

  3. The FBI and Justice department are doing a great job protecting our nations top secrets. They tried to work with Trump but his lawyers lied in sworn affidavits. The FBI and Justice department should be lauded and praised. The ones who deserve criticism are Donald Trump and his group of pathetic enablers like Newt Gingrich.

  4. Fortunately, most of this nonsense will play out in the media over the next few months. Since we have the gift of at least limited time before things can possibly get serious for Donald Trump. We, in the frum community, have the opportunity to do something constructive to forstall such a catastrophe. This November is an extremely important election. Regretfully, the frum community doesn’t exercise their right to vote sufficiently. As a result, elements opposed to yeshivos, normal genders and marriages, Eretz Yisroel, and a whole host of other issues that are crucial, sqeak by and get in – and declare that they have a mandate to turn the world upside down. If IY”H the Republicans (with OUR help) take control of Congress – ALL this nonsense will get stopped in its tracks!
    Bottom line – We must vote, or the forces destroying this medina shel chesed will only get stronger R”L.

  5. Who is Newt referring to when he says ” fanatic who represent a secular religion who are determined to destroy not just Trump”?

  6. Read the article and tell me that as usual we have the usual biased anti trump headline description. Gingrich says a bit more than an indictment is in the works..

  7. Trump’s enemies are so radical that they will storm the Capitol, smash windows, assault cops … oh, wait, that’s the Trumpkopfs’ playbook.

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