Karl Rove Tears into Trump for Taking Highly Sensitive Documents [SEE THE VIDEO]

Legendary Republican strategist Karl Rove went on Fox News to discuss the latest updates in the FBI’s investigation of Donald Trump for his alleged mishandling of classified documents, making it clear he believes the former president broke the law.

Host Martha MacCallum wondered aloud why Trump chose to held onto certain documents despite a subpoena ordering him to return them, noting that the “Trump side has their lawyers and their feelings what was rightfully his, and able to take.”

“Let’s be clear on this,” Rove said, cutting off MacCallum. “None of these government documents are his to have taken… A lot of the former president’s problems are of his own creation. Under the Presidential Records Act of 1978, you cannot take original documents out of the White House with you when you leave the White House, whether you’re the President of the United States or any of his aides.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

14 Responses

  1. The former president seems to be his own worst enemy. Although he was a great president listens to noone, fires anyone whose opinion differs from his regardless of the merit of the argument!

  2. But many presidents did that, and he told those record officials “take whatever you need! and if you decide you need anything else just let me know!”

  3. Obviously the law does not apply to a sitting president. Biden can take whatever he wants to Camp David. In Mr Trump’s view, he is the true president of the United States, and that other guy is not.
    Whatever self destructive gaivah drove him to make that unsupported and futile allegation, the fact is that if the FBI had not suppressed the Hunter B information, he really would have been president. But that’s not a legal basis to overturn the election.

  4. Based on practice practices (the “minhagim” among Presidents), he shouldn’t have taken them even if in legal theory he was authorized to declassify them and (as president) give them himself (as an about-to-be) ex-president. But ignoring minhag isn’t a crime, even if it is very politically unwise.

  5. He will not win in 2024, because the Republicans will not take a chance giving the nomination to this narcissist MESHUGENER.
    They know they have a very good chance of sweeping in NOV. and winning the White House,with any normal Republican like a Desantis or anyone else,
    but not with this MESHUGENER .
    Now don’t get me wrong ,he was a good President and was glad I voted for him twice, but a large part of the population even Republicans hate his obnoxious and disgusting and childish personality and wouldn’t vote for him.
    For the good of the country , and to save us from the treasonous filthy America hating DemonRats, he should bow out and let someone else run.
    But am not holding my breath.

  6. Yanky77-

    אוהבי ה שנאו רע – Yes, there are those of us who hate רע

    We who love this country and democracy do not pledge obedience to one man and are not beholden to a cult of personality. Trump will not win in 2024 because most Americans understand the very clear and present danger this man poses to this great country.

    Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 and 2020. He lost the general election in 2020. He cost the GOP the senate in 2020. His flawed slate of candidates will likely cost the GOP the senate in 2022, and his actions are eroding GOP hopes of a red wave in November. Trump is toxic. He is destroying the GOP and true conservatism in this country.

  7. The title to this article is inaccurate, misleading and exaggerated. Rove did NOT say or suggest that the documents were “highly sensitive”. His only point was about violating the presidential records act – which covers even unclassified harmless materials. Rove even points out that removing them was NOT even a criminal offense. Such a minor offense would not itself warrant the raid, or charges, even according to the FBI.

    It was the FBI – not Rove – which claimed that the documents were sensitive. He limited his comments to the violation of the records act. That was a minor infraction that would hardly warrant a raid, or even charges.

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