WORRYING: More Than 40% Think American Civil War Likely in Next Decade

(AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

A troubling new survey found that 43% of Americans – and more than half of “strong Republicans” – believe that a civil war is at least somewhat likely to occur within the next 10 years. Among strong Democrats and independents that figure was 40%, while 54% of strong Republicans said the same.

The poll also found that 65% say political violence has increased since the start of 2021, and 62% believe that political violence will increase in the next few years.

The findings comes from a poll by YouGov and the Economist, follows heated rhetoric from Trump supporters in the wake of the unprecedented FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago, including from Sen. Lindsey Graham, who predicted “riots in the streets” if Trump is indicted.

Most experts believe that a full-scale war, like the 1861-1865 civil war, remains highly unlikely. But many worry that increasing rhetoric and division could result in isolated or even coordinated attacks against political figures.

“Countries with democracies and governments as strong as America’s do not fall into civil war. But if our institutions weaken, the story could be different,” said Rachel Kleinfeld a civil conflict specialist at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. Few people *want* a civil war, but if Democrats keep pushing there will be no other choice. Our freedoms are protected by the four boxes. The front line of our defenses are the soap box, the jury box, and the ballot box. But when all three fail, the last resort is the bullet box. With Democrats pushing hard to permanently rig elections so that they are guaranteed to “win”, with their increasing restrictions on the freedom of speech, their vicious attacks on our culture and on all decency and American values, their hijacking the law enforcement system to institute one law for them and another for us, their takeover of the public schools to indoctrinate children in their increasingly vicious ideologies, and above all their constant assault on the second amendment, we will have to resort to “second amendment solutions”.

    And when we do, they will not like the result. Remember who has all the weapons. And most soldiers and police will join the revolution. The problem is, we are not likely to like the result either. If the constitution ends up overthrown and a new one must be written, the freedoms the old one protected are likely to be watered down or betrayed altogether.

  2. Not good that you post a picture of Jan 6 and not anthing about the 2020 riots that TORCHED POLICE STATIONS, COURT HOUSES and $2 BILLION worth of property IN MOSTLY INNERCITY NEIGHBORHOODS and KILLED 32 POC, and injured thousands more civilians and police, while raising millions FOR MANSIONS for ADMITTED COMMUNIST LEADERS.

    If there’s a civil war, Hashem help those who stand with the Demmunists.

  3. 1. Leading questions tend to produce results that are statistically meaningless but get lots of clicks.

    2. Given that most of the soldiers, police and gun owners are “red”, the blues would be at a disadvantage.

    3. The “blue” states are dependent on the “red” states for basic foods (the south had a similar problem in the Civil War)

    4. If the Red/Blue split worsens, the most likely result is people in the wrong states will migrate (e.g. Boro Parkers moving to the midwest or south), and all states increasingly supporting states’ rights (i.e. autonomy)

  4. Maga people are the ones wishing for this nonsense. January 6 they tried it.
    History demonstrates that it didn’t end well for the rebels.

  5. Orthodox religious Jews will side with the Red states while secular atheistic reform Jews will side with the Blues. The Reds will win.

  6. Please witness Milhouse’s comment above and take note of why it is the republican radicals who are trying to edge us closer to a civil war. To start with, there’s the peddling of misinformation. But the real eye-opener is his claim that he needs to start looking into ‘second amendment solutions.” There you have it. He is a true menace to society. The rest of this post continues to threaten others. Not the Jewish way.

    Note: assuming we all send our children to Jewish schools, no one is poisoning them with ideologies. And overwhelmingly, public schools aren’t radicalizing children. There will always be some nuts to video and leak to the press. Don’t believe the hype you’re being fed. Its not as pervasive as you thought.
    Similarly, no one is taking away your gun. Even with democratic-sponsored initiatives, you’ll be fine so long as you’re not deemed to be a radicalized nut prone to violence.

    But for those of you who blame liberals, please see Milhouse’s post and admit that any threat of civil war or nationalistic violence is coming from this radical segment of our countymen.

  7. Philosopher: For starters, he is advocating or at least open to violence as a means to resolve disputes about “culture” and “values.” He says he doesn’t “”want”” a civil war, but saying “we will have to resort to second amendment solutions” is ultimately a choice. No one is holding a gun to him or anybody else for him to protect. Stop philosophizing.

    Dear Mods: I humbly request of YWN that anyone advocating or supporting violence as a means to resolve U.S. political disputes be banned from posting. YWN – it’s really to your benefit, you don’t want to get dragged into the potential consequences of hosting this garbage if these Milhouses go any further than their ranting.

  8. Forgetting the 1773 Boston tea party? America’s roots are taking to the streets to defend life & liberty from evil, corrupt, tyrannical demo-rat/rino type politicians. Truth hurts.

  9. RT is as usual full of garbage and lies. I do not believe he is even a religious Jew. And ER now joins him.

    The second amendment exists for a reason. Denying second amendment solutions means you are denying the amendment altogether. And you are denying the bullet box that is the necessary backup to the other three boxes and is the only thing that gives them meaning. This exposes you as a would-be tyrant and dictator, and any government you support is illegitimate.

    The indoctrination in schools — not only the public schools but also elite private schools — is completely pervasive. Cornell Professor William Jacobson, who is very far from an extremist, has been collecting at criticalrace.org a database of “critical race theory” indoctrination in schools, and says by now it is harder to find a school where it is NOT being taught than one where it is.

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