UPDATED: PHOTOS – Massive Explosion Levels Home in Frum Community of Teaneck, NJ: One Person R”L Killed

YW-Teaneck Explosion-05.jpg(PHOTO LINK AT END OF ARTICLE)


A suspected natural gas explosion has razed a private home in Teaneck NJ, and set three neighboring houses ablaze at 6:30PM on Thursday evening, YWN has learned.

A YWN reporter live on the scene tells us that “the explosion was felt blocks away, and totally leveled the home located at the corner of Hastings Street at Reis Avenue – an intersection which is full of Frum families”. The blast took out windows on homes across the street as well.

Sources tell YWN that the destroyed home is occupied by a Jewish older man who lives alone. It is unknown if he was in the house at the time of the blast. The neighboring homes are Frum families – who were Boruch Hashem not home. According to unconfirmed sources, one family left to Canada earlier today, and another family is vacationing in the Bahamas.

As of this time, the Fire Department is still pouring water on the homes, and rescue crews are sifting through the rubble looking for any victims.

Additionally, the Misaskim Organization is in contact with local officials and are responding to the scene in case their services are Chas VeShalom needed.

UPDATE 9:50PM EST: Misaskim has informed YWN of the tragic Petira of 66 year-old Richard Hoss A”H, who was R”L killed in the blast. Numerous Misaskim units, along with two Misaskim recovery vehicles are operating on the scene.

PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for photos.

(Yehuda Drudgestein – YWN / CBS2HD)

7 Responses

  1. To # 2 signed “Thinking”:

    I can appreciate your thoughts and well wishes. However, I don’t believe it is the Ribono shel Olam who stops the tzaros. He must bring them; to awaken us, to be m’sakain us, to purify us . . . Do we know, and therefore can we really question, His reasons? Can we really demand He think like we do? If G-d were me he would do as I think. But surely if I were G-d, I would do exactly as He does. And I would know why. Let us all come close to Him. Let us not simply learn His Torah, but let us allow His Torah to teach us and change us. Toraso can become our chayei olam. When we will let the Torah bring us to the wellspring of midos that it contains — zehirus, zerizus, prishus, nekiyus, chasidus, kedushah, etc. — then we will merit the ultimate chesed of the Ribono shel Olam.

  2. Wow… I live in Teaneck and I felt the blast last night and I live 2.5miles away! I didn’t know about it until now! (I was going mad trying to figure out what we felt)

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