BOMBSHELL: Whistleblowers Say FBI Ordered Not to Investigate Hunter Biden’s Laptop

In a stunning validation of Republican accusations against the FBI being biased, whistleblowers say the agency deliberately dragged its feet on the Hunter Biden investigation and told agents not to look into the contents of his now-infamous laptop.

Republican Sen. Ron Johnson sent a letter to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz on Tuesday outlining the accusations made by the unidentified whistleblowers.

“Recently, my office has heard from individuals with knowledge of the FBI’s corruption,” Johnson wrote. “After the FBI obtained the Hunter Biden laptop from the Wilmington, DE computer shop, these whistleblowers stated that local FBI leadership told employees, ‘you will not look at that Hunter Biden laptop’ and that the FBI is ;not going to change the outcome of the election again.'”

Johnson urged Horowitz to investigate the claims, saying that “the longer your office stands on the sidelines and delays investigating the FBI’s actions, the harder it will be for you to uncover the truth and hold individuals accountable for wrongdoing.”

Horowitz previously told Johnson that his office wouldn’t investigate the FBI’s handling of Hunter Biden’s laptop so as not to interfere with the ongoing investigation into its contents.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. Johnson is struggling to retain his Senate seat. HB’s laptop is the subject of an ongoing investigation by the FBI office in Wilmington. These allegations have been reported for months so he is late to the party. The DOJ IG (Horowitz) is no friend of Biden and has looked into the allegations previously. Johnson is desperate for something to keep hin in the news.

  2. We are even more resolved to vote for our beloved President Donald Trump שליט”א and cannot wait for Republican Congress to go all out after this filthy wicked FBI ימח שמם וזכרונם
    I still sorely miss my dear friend הי”ד who was killed by the FBI ימח שמם וזכרונם after false accusations of a bomb at Olympics in Atlanta which had nothing to do with him

  3. Oh Hunter Biden Hunter Biden who cares about Hunter Biden and his laptop. This is just more of Trumps poison. The FBI is biased. How ridiculous!!! as if the FBI is one person. There are Hundreds of honest FBI officers who dedicate their lives to enforcing the law, who do their best every day to keep us safe. But when they go after Trump suddenly they are all biased and corrupt! as usual no evidence and baseless, anyone who goes after Trump is corrupt. So they did not want to look at Hunter Bidens laptop so what what does that prove even if its true.

  4. as Hunter lives….Hunter ends up… brainer at all, we here in Israel are lucky….we have Hashem we have our lives……those who don’t have nothing…..just letters and advertising on this page……nothing else to hint about at all

  5. It has now been 582 DAYS 21 HOURS 51 MINUTES since Biden was inaugurated.
    That is a lot of time to properly search and and report on Hunter’s laptop.

    What information does the FBI now have from the laptop?
    What are they waiting for?
    After 4 years of Trump, why is Hillary still a free lady?
    Why is Obama still a free man if he did exactly what Trump is accused of regarding taking Government material?
    The answer is obvious. The people who think that Hunter, Hillary and Obama are guilty are being played by the right wing media.
    The FBI was correct in warning that the right wing media are going to lie and cheat to get Trump elected. They even lied and cheated after he lost.

    Joe Biden’s enemies stole his daughter’s diary. What else did they do ?

  6. Huju, the FBI took possession of the laptop in 2019, when Trump was president, and it sat on it and did nothing. As we now see, agents who wanted to investigate it were ORDERED not to, for fear that if the public found out about the evidence it contains of Joe Biden’s criminal career he would not be elected president. That proves that the FBI was criminally conspiring against the then president, under whose authority it was supposed to be.

    And make no mistake: The reason the laptop is such a big deal is not because it shows what a criminal Hunter is. It’s a big deal because it shows what a criminal Joe is. It has solid evidence that Joe Biden is a common criminal who belongs in a prison cell. And the FBI did not and does not want that to come out, making it a criminal organization. It needs to be abolished, and anyone who worked for it should be ineligible to be hired for its replacement. And there needs to be criminal prosecutions for trying to steal the 2016 election, and successfully stealing the 2020 election.

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