VIDEO & PHOTOS: PTACH Pedaler Reaches Lakewood a Week Earlier Than anticipated!

ptachpedaler1.jpg6:00PM EST(VIDEO & PHOTO LINKS AT END OF ARTICLE) After a grueling 750 mile bike ride, Dr. Heshy Josephs, now known as the PTACH Pedaler (reported HERE on YWN) to all his supporters, is scheduled to arrive today Thursday, July 17th at his final destination: Lakewood, NJ.

Dr. Josephs had anticipated having to spend another Shabbos on the road, but when realizing how far he had already come and how close to his goal he was, he decided to push himself even harder and attempt finishing his trip before Shabbos.

Today YWN is being told, that it seems like he will accomplish this goal, as he is scheduled to arrive at the Kitchen Outlet Center, owned by his two sons Nacham & Zev Josephs, tonight at 6:00PM EST.

For the last half hour of his trip, Dr. Josephs will have a police escort, who will meet him at Bennet Mills Road.  The escort and Dr. Josephs will be traveling down Central Avenue and from Central he will travel to Hurley Avenue, then to Cedar Bridge Avenue and eventually end up at the Kitchen Outlet Center at 14 S. Clifton Avenue.

All residents of Lakewood are invited to line the streets and cheer him on. There will be a party honoring Dr. Josephs accomplishment with free Bonkies water ices for all that attend.  Yasher Koach to Dr. Josephs for an amazing accomplishment.

VIDEO & PHOTO LINKS: Click HERE for video, and HERE for photos – courtesy of YW-41.

To find out more about Dr. Josephs’ trip, visit

(By Voice of Lakewood for YWN)

16 Responses

  1. I can’t believe that not only did Dr.Josephs accomplish such a trip but did it in so little time. That is quite amazing. I went to the welcoming party and the police escort was saying how amazing Dr. Josephs was, that they clocked him at 32 hours/mile. WOW! Yasher Koach on a trip well done, now just have a relaxing Shabbos in Lakewood.

  2. I heard him talking to someone at the party and he said, he was a little behind on daf but he did it every single day and was almost up to todays daf

  3. Joseph, if you look at his website, you can get a whole log of his trip – there it says he left Tues. July 1st at 4:15 and arrived in Lakewood Thurs. July 17th at around 6:40 – so he’s been on the road 16 days and 2 1/2 hours – unbelievable!!

  4. Did he take a farher?
    Also I hear the freezer is full.
    The fridge will do temporarily.
    I can’t beleive nobody asked yet; How in the world is he getting back to Detroit?!
    He can take the Yankees chartered flight to Detroit.
    May he be gebentched.

  5. Joseph – there is actually a website where you can see a daily log of Dr. Josephs trip + a map of his route – – check it out, but anyway he left on Tues, July 1st at 4:15 pm

    kollelguy_dot_com – i overheard Dr. Josephs telling someone at the welcoming party that he was a little behind on daf but almost up to date, so apparently he was preety much able to still do daf at his intensified pace.

    Lakewood Shelonu – perhaps BMG should invite Dr. Josephs to address the bocurim, they could sure learn a lot from him about setting goals and accomplishing them as well as staying fit and healthy.

  6. I think lakewoodmama means 32 miles/hour going the other direction would be reaaaaaly slow
    BTW a classic example of kafeetzas haderech

  7. mbachu – thanks for the correction – i did mean 32 miles/hour and the cops escorting him were quite impress with his effort.

    Mark Levin – there are some pics in general photo albums but I heard YW is supposed to post video – anyone know when that is happening?

  8. #2: R'[Dr.] Josephs learnt in yeshiva in his formative years.
    #9: we aren’t talking about a 20 yr. old bochur over here.. this mentch has grand-children that are about your age, maybe even getting thawed out. About getting back to Detroit…maybe you give him a ride??

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