HEARTLESS: Man Knocked Unconscious in Brooklyn’s Kings Plaza, NOBODY Tries to Help [VIDEO]

The NYPD is on the lookout for two thugs who knocked a man unconscious in Kings Plaza in Brooklyn last weekend.

The NYPD tells YWN that “unknown individuals approached the victim and unprovoked, punched the victim in the face, causing serious physical injury. EMS responded and transported the aided male to Brookdale Hospital Medical Center in stable condition. The individuals fled the mall.”

But the most shocking part might not have been the attack itself, but rather the aftermath. Surveillance video shows that people standing next to the 36-year-old victim when he was sucker punched did nothing to help him.

Not one person came to the victim’s aid – not even the mall security guard, who simply walked past the unconscious man!

What would possess people to act so callously in the face of a brazen attack on an apparently innocent man?

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

25 Responses

  1. The guard was probably thinking; this kid will be back on the streets by tomorrow anyway, so why bother putting myself in danger?

    If the perpetrator was a white man, I think we all know what would have happened

  2. Moshe Rabbenu did not understand why the Jews were afflicted in Mitzraim. The Binah Leitim explains that he saw when a Jew was beaten by a Mitzri among his brothers. He looked all over watching whether someone will help. There was no one there to stand up for him, so he said, now I understand and got up and killed the Mitzri.

  3. > “What would possess people to act so callously”

    Is that question serious? Start with the fact that this is New York City – which right away means that the crazy “justice” system would find some excuse to blame (and possibly charge) the innocent bystander who tries to help. Reminds me of a news story where a military veteran and his friends were mugged by a person with a gun who, by the looks of it (caught on the security camera) was ready to shoot them. The military veteran quickly over powered the mugger before the mugger could shoot, and then the military veteran removed the bullets from the gun for obvious safety reasons. The police came and arrested military veteran for handling the gun without a license.

    Then there is the law suit. Anyone trying to help could get face a civil suit for untold millions for (allegedly) causing more harm by “helping” after all, what medical expertise did they have.

    And, of course, did you not see in the video that the attacker had returned? Anyone helping the victim risked getting pounced by the same attacker.

  4. When you have a Governor and Mayor that are death worshippers, this comes as no surprise. These 2 lowlife dreck encourage a woman to murder their babies. Live has no value to Hochul and Adams. Why should the average dregs of society care when they see some other human form be sucker punched down? My body my choice. Your body your choice. Except for vaccines and masks, of course.

  5. Has it been revealed if this is a gang war kind of thing and people dont want to get involved? But Kings Plaza Mall will lose business if people see security do nothing.

  6. From the video I have now ascertained that ghetto people do not pay kings Plaza parking, they just lift the pole. Why pay for parking if just like the subway, it can be free?

  7. Examine the actual culture and it is easy. Literal generations (40,50,60 years) of homespun wisdom of “stop snitching”, “mind your own business”, “don’t help no one because no one will help you”, and many pages more that can fill a book. The culture is rotten and has nothing to offer anyone.

  8. Animals deserved to be treated by animals. I wouldnt come to the aid of any black person. They are evil and don’t deserve to live.

  9. Well, obviously someone called the EMS responders and the NYPD. That means they did what they were supposed to be doing.

  10. According to Halacha you probably are not allowed to live anymore in NYC/NYS. This applies to Jew or Gentile as one of the 7 Noahide commanders is Dinim – a locale that has a court system where acts of theft & violence are punished with justice.
    The open lawlessness without consequence is clear indication that it’s assur gamur, no different than Haiti.

  11. these “why did nobody help” videos are idiotic.
    They show a small snippet of what occured and you have no idea what is going on in the situation.
    here are some reasons people wouldnt get involved
    1) They DID. They called cops and EMTs and are awaiting the response.
    what more should they do? does the average person know how to do more than call appropriate authorities?
    2) They fear that a gang related incident is occuring. They are fearful of showing aid, lest THEY become the next marked individual of that gang.
    3) A combination of the above. They maintain a safe distance, while calling for professionals to help
    4) perhaps they really dont care. But is that the most conclusive answer to the question of “why dont i see any activity in aid of the man”? Hardly

    I would like to point out, there was a woman there who picked up the phone and laid it closer to the individual. That is a very odd thing. She didnt really help much, but she DID try to in some strange way..
    SO is that not caring? Or are there other factors at play here? I think the latter.

  12. To the comment about Black people and trying to compare to “animal”
    Good morning to you——
    There are lots and lots and lots of Black people that are really special, they will help you, they will work in an honest fashion. A lot of them are really good.
    Just because some of them are not good, they don’t represent all the Black people.

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