NY State Police Issue Over 25,000 Tickets During ‘Speed Week’ Crackdown

The New York State Police today announced that Troopers issued 25,199 total traffic tickets during the special “Speed Week” traffic enforcement campaign. “Speed Week,” which was conducted from Monday, August 15, 2022, to Sunday, August 21, 2022, targeted speeding, and other unsafe driving behaviors, including distracted driving and violations of the Move Over Law.

Troopers issued 14,008 tickets for speeding, 531 for distracted driving, 476 for Move Over law violations, and arrested 214 people for drunk and impaired driving. State Police also responded to 206 personal injury crashes, including five fatal crashes.

During the August 2021 Speed Week detail, State Police issued 32,922 total tickets, including 18,358 for speeding. In 2021, “Speed Week” ran for a total of 9 days opposed to 7 days in 2022 and 518 tickets were issued per day in 2021 compared to 631 tickets issued per day in 2022.

As part of this enforcement detail, Troopers targeted speeding and aggressive drivers across the state. Troopers watched for impaired and distracted drivers, vehicle occupants who were not properly buckled up, and drivers who violated the Move Over law, which requires motorists to exercise extreme caution when passing emergency vehicles that are stopped in or on the side of the road.

The State Police supplemented regular patrols statewide, including the use of Concealed Identity Traffic Enforcement (CITE) patrol vehicles to better locate drivers talking or texting on hand held devices. These unmarked vehicles blend in with every day traffic but are unmistakable as emergency vehicles once the emergency lighting is activated.

Here are the results of the campaign, broken down by Troop:

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Tickets is just money 💰 & means nothing. What needs to be implemented at once is:-
    1) Retake road tests every 2 or 3 years
    2) 3 strikes and permanently banned from driving
    3) Even 1 DUI then permanently banned from driving
    4) Any death caused by bad driving to be sentenced like regular murders

  2. 147:
    NYS can barely keep up with road tests now for NEW drivers, much less retesting 4 million ( 1/3 of over 12) million drivers annually.
    Not sure what you mean by “3 strikes”. Loss of license for 3 minor speeding or moving violations would mean tens of thousands annually would lose their ability to drive and in many cases, ability to commute to work.
    Agree on DWI but I would make that TWO convictions.

  3. The joke is that half the times that cops have someone pulled over, they are causing a greater distraction then other things people get distracted by and they also create traffic delays which are also dangerous. The move over enforcement wouldn’t be necessary as much if they would stop pulling so many people over.

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