DEMOCRATS DELIGHTED: Polling Averages Now Have Dems Leading Midterms for First Time This Year

(AP Photo/Evan Vucci, Pool, File)

After months of being crushed in poll after poll showing Republicans with wide leads in the upcoming midterm elections, Democrats now lead in two influential polling averages for the first time since last November.

President Biden’s approvals were flying high in the first few months of his presidency but began cratering following the bungled U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, with crises snowballing into a monster the president and his administration could not rid themselves of. With his declining ratings came Democrats’ prospects of being victorious in this year’s midterms tanking.

However, Democrats have now gained an edge over Republicans following a string of legislative wins and the killing of Al Qaeda’s leader in a U.S. drone strike. According to both the RealClearPolitics and FiveThirtyEight polling averages, with Dems leading in a generic Congressional matchup 44.1% to 43.1% and 43.8% to 43.5%, respectively.

While Democrats’ hopes for a robust showing in November’s midterms are rising, polling averages are but one bellwether of electoral results and much could still change between now and election day.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Makes sense. In a two-party “first past the post” system of elections (what we have in the United States, with few exception), you win election by controlling the middle. The Biden Democrats have been able to get their Progressive/WOKE wing to stay in line, whereas the Trump Republicans have let their MAGA wing dominate in primaries, thereby giving the Democrats the center of the board, and with it they win.

    Of course, it is possible the Republican extreme will give up positions to better get the center (e.g. dump isolationism, zero tolerance of abortion, zero opposition to excesses by the criminal justice system, opposition to employable non-criminal immigrants), or that the WOKE Democrats will overplay their hand and give up the political center.

  2. NOTICE how logical these polls are. OF CAUSE IT MAKES SENCE that same dems who made us pay double for gas and mortgages, 50% more for groccaries, undermined US security with unchecked migration of 5 millions of undocumented “citizens”, crazy Afganistan pull out, and allowing Putin to start WW3. Now all of a sudden should lead in these Polls. FAKE POLLS, LAYING SMOKESCREEN FOR ANOTHER 2020 style STEAL!!! AND REPUBILCAN ASTABLISHMENT IS BEHIND DEMS ON THIS, Liz ousting deserves a revenge!

  3. all fake…..I think any jew living outside of Israel is ‘nuts’ period…..watching just to go shopping as an excuse for a jew not to be here in Israel is shaming….not interested in the garbage of the world period…it is garbage as is LGBTQ if it steps one foot out of design I hope Hashem does his best to remove it

  4. @Sara Rifka when you have a chance, stick your head out of your bubble and see what’s going on all over Israel with the LGBT neofascists. Exact same thing as anywhere else. If you think that being in Israel is any less galut than anywhere else in the world, the walls of your bubble must be very thick indeed. If so, you could live in a bubble anywhere.

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