HEART WRENCHING VIDEO: HaGaon HaRav Shaul Alter Menachem Avel the Glustein Family

The venerated Gerrer rosh yeshiva HaGaon HaRav Shaul Alter went to be menachem avel the Glustein family who lost their wife/mother and two little girls in the horrific bus accident in Yerushalayim last week.

The visibly pained rosh yeshiva quoted the Sfas Emes and told the grief-stricken family: “Such a cruelty could only be done by the Av HaRachamim, our Merciful Father.”

He explained that we cannot understand or comprehend the ways of Hashem, “but she understands – she and the sisters – understand very well” that what happened occurred from a place of mercifulness.

“On this world it is a question, but after the question there is an answer,” Rav Shaul told them.

“We don’t know, we don’t understand, but the only comfort we can hold onto is to know that there is kindness here,” the rosh yeshiva said, his voice shaking with emotion.

“There is a Merciful Father who spread His wings – a Father of yesomim, and judge for the widowed – He watches over, He gives strength, and he fortifies. There is no other answer.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. The Israeli sites said that the family had sent a message to the R”Y to please write them a Nichum Aveilim letter. The R”Y said that he would come personally
    Ashreichem Klal Yisroel that you still have such a Godol in your midst.
    למען יאריך ימים על ממלכתו לטובת ישרא׳ אכי״ר

  2. @Azoiy:
    I would actually say, that if you are asked to write a letter, than get the message, send them a letter. They don’t want their house of mourning to be used as an advertising center for the rising star of Ger’s second leader, and to popularize the world with him, by showing such ‘compassion’. And no I am not a Gerer I have nothing intrinsically against the shaulist’in, I just think it’s a little insensitive to use a בית אבלים the same way one uses other advertising outlets.

  3. Pure Yiddishkeit
    It is obvious that you have no idea who the RY is. The family never expected him to come. A letter would have been enough for them. Yet the RY felt it important enough for him to go personally. It was greatly appreciated by the family realizing how precious his time is
    The RY is not into advertising himself or his Kehila. Anyone that ever met him knows that. Obviously you never met him nor listened to his Divrei Torah

  4. Agree with pure yidishkeit. Not a gerrer either, but unfortunately this happens all the time. Totally out of place.
    This just shows you hat everything is media.

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