Muslims Stand Up To Neturei Karta

nk.jpgThe following are excerpts of an article appearing in the current edition of the Jewish Week: 

Madrid­­­— A top American Muslim leader and American Jewish groups formed an unlikely alliance this week against a fiercely anti-Zionist chasidic group at an interfaith conference in Madrid, spearheaded by Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah.

Dr. Sayyid Syeed, national director of the Islamic Society of North America, said he was upset by the planned participation in the conference, which opened this week, of Rabbi Yisrael Dovid Weiss, a representative of Neturei Karta from upstate Monsey. Rabbi Weiss was to be the only Jewish leader to address the gathering sponsored by the Saudi-affiliated Muslim World League.

Syeed said he immediately called Adel al-Jubeir, Saudi ambassador to the U.S., to complain about the Neturei Karta invitation. “I told the ambassador that we strongly protested the invitation, which was not only an affront to our friends in the Jewish community, but to us as well.” Syeed’s organization, considered one of the most influential Muslim groups in North America, has instituted joint programming in the past several years with Jewish groups like the Union for Reform Judaism and Foundation for Ethnic Understanding. 

Jewish leaders invited to the conference had also threatened to boycott it, if Weiss — who gained notoriety by speaking at a Holocaust denial conference in Tehran  two years ago — were invited to speak in Madrid. Organizers of this week’s conference finally announced that Rabbi Weiss would not be among the speakers, and had decided not to attend the conference. He was replaced as principal Jewish speaker by Rabbi Arthur Schneier, spiritual leader of Park East Synagogue in Manhattan and founder of the interfaith Appeal of Conscience Foundation.

The Madrid conference, designed by King Abdullah to build ties with other religions and  counter the image of Islam as prone to extremism, is the first-such interfaith event initiated by the Saudi government. Three days long, it was to draw 200 religious leaders from around the world, including Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and Hindus.

During a speech last month in Mecca to a world conference of Muslim religious leaders, King Abdullah expressed alarm that Islam’s image is being tarnished by extremists. He urged delegates to “face the challenge of isolation, ignorance and narrow horizons so that the world can absorb the good message of Islam.”

The Saudi government apparently decided to hold the conference outside of the country because of opposition to interfaith dialogue by Saudi Arabia’s conservative religious leadership.

39 Responses

  1. It’s about time somebody stood up to that clown Weiss.

    And if King Andullah is so worried about Islam’s image being tarnished by “extremists”, maybe he should look in the mirror and ask himself why his country is the biggest exporter of terrorist. As we know 15 of the 19 9/11 terrorists were Saudi, notwithstanding Bin-Ladin himself

  2. Neturei Karta chassidic.

    Enough said.

    I’m going to the hilula of Reb Amrom Blau zt’l tonight in Mishkenos HoRoim. The Govad (Rav Yitzchok Tuvioh Weiss) will be there also, as well as Rav Yaakov Mendel Yurovitch, member of the Badatz, and the Rebbe of Mishkenos HoRoim, and Rav Uri Blau and Rav Yeshayeh Blau of Reb Amrom’s family, current leaders of Neturei Karto.

  3. Oh and by the way, the rabbonim I just mentioned are in no way related to Weiss and his group.

    I think their way has something to it, but it’s just not the way our rabbonim shlita have decided we should handle things.

  4. So now we must support Dr. Sayyid Syeed and the Islamic Society of North America and thank Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah!!

  5. People who ever get in contact with that fony should.
    1) never give him an aliya
    2) don’t taLK TO HIM

  6. WOW! The NK keeps getting themselves allover the news and front-pages. You gotta give it to them that they sure know how to get coverage. A lot of plain people who don’t know all the political ins and outs sure think that they represent Orthodox Judaism. All the whining about them on these blogs sure don’t change that.

  7. Weiss is a clown whose behaviour and actions are harmful and definitely not al pi the daas of Torah leaders, but it’s definitely an improvement over past years when groups such as Union for Reform Judaism purportedly represented Judaism. Those guys are so far over the line al pi torah that many of the moslem participants are more oisgehalten than they -they’re ma’aminim (see RMB”M A’Z) whereas the reform groups are kofrim. Weiss at worst is a roidef and is probably just a harmful Na’ar.

  8. Yidden should be aware of this conference though. As much as it is being billed as a conference to develop tolerance and understanding of other religions it is also a subtle way for the Saudis to try to soften other people to their prosletyzing. So, they didn’t like the Reshoim from Monsey because they will never, ever convert to Islam!

  9. The only place a menuvel like Weiss can live is in Monsey, in any other place he would have been thrown out!
    They didn;t even throw out the “chicken guy” he left on his own!

  10. I agree. Rather that the goyim think that the NK is the representatives of Klal Yisroel, than for them to chas vsalom mistake the Reform or Zionists as Klal Yisroel’s representatives.

  11. In KJ he’d be a hero, so dont monsey garbage me.
    He lives on a private block in Airmont.
    They have their own shul, he doesnt have the guts to daven elsewhere.

  12. satmer101,
    The chicken guy was thrown out of his shul and was made to feel very uncomfortable in his neighborhood if you get my drift.
    Additionally, Machon Lehorah issued his wife a get two weeks later something that is never done so quickly. They did it because they understood the magnitude of the situation.
    Before you blast an entire town of shomrei torah choshuve rabbonim and koveah itim do your research.
    What shocks me most is that you are SATMER!
    Talk about getting away with things and letting people with all types of shady backgrounds stick around and blend in. I doubt they would be allowed to stay in Monsey.
    I personally have nothing against them but please don’t be critcal of your neighbors backyard when yours has plenty of your own weeds.
    Kol tuv and have an ayin tov.

  13. I hope no one thinks that ISNA is a good organization because of this.

    They are a radical and extreme Muslim group who support the terrorist. They may be rejecting NK now because it’s too obvious who they are.

  14. “Syeed’s organization, considered one of the most influential Muslim groups in North America, has instituted joint programming in the past several years with Jewish groups like the Union for Reform Judaism ”

    Actually, the fact that Syeed is working with Reform Judaism creates a loss of crdibility with the Arab world and only serves to give NK more credibility.

  15. to #14 …” so mr rah..bbi of berlin here you are again with your shitoh. mir nit going into weiss, the rest took care, but again your melamed zechus on your friends…”godel hamchtio yoser mi’horgo” (talking about those “other” denonimnations whatever it means)

  16. Since rabbiofberlin is back (despite forswearing to ever again read, let alone post to, YW) discussing Zionists, and he indicated yesterday he wanted to comment on what Adolf Eichmann ym’s related regarding his dealings with Rudolf Kastner (who during the war sold a million Jewish Hungarians lives to Adolf Eichmann ym’s to kill, and after the war testified on behalf of Nazi war criminals on trial in Nuremberg to have the Nazis acquitted [and was convicted as such by a Zionist Israeli court]), I’ll (yes, sammygol) print it once again, so Mr. Berlin can have the “opportunity” to respond:

    Only Heinrich Himmler could turn off the liquidation machine. It was in 1944, the year of the assassination attempt on Hitler, when Reichsführer Himmler took over as commander of the Reserve Army, that he authorized me to propose an exchange: one million Jews for 10,000 winterized trucks with trailers. The World Jewish Organization could decide for itself what Jews it wanted to choose. We asked only that they get us 10,000 trucks. Thanks to Himmler’s directive, I could assure them, on my word of honor, that these trucks would be used only on the Eastern front. As I said at the time, “When the 10,000 winterized trucks with trailers are here, then the liquidation machine in Auschwitz will be stopped.

    In obedience to Himmler’s directive I now concentrated on negotiations with the Jewish political officials in Budapest. One man stood out among them, Dr. Rudolf Kastner, authorized representative of the Zionist movement. This Dr. Kastner was a young man about my age, an ice-cold lawyer and a fanatical Zionist. He agreed to help keep the Jews from resisting deportation and even keep order in the collection camps if I would close my eyes and let a few hundred or a few thousand young Jews emigrate illegally to Palestine. It was a good bargain. For keeping order in the camps, the price of 15,000 to 20,000 Jews – in the end there may have been more – was not too high for me.

    Except perhaps for the first few sessions, Kastner never came to me fearful of the Gestapo strong man. We negotiated entirely as equals. People forget that. We were political opponents trying to arrive at a settlement, and we trusted each other perfectly. When he was with me, Kastner smoked cigarettes as though he were in a coffeehouse. While we talked he would smoke one aromatic cigarette after another, taking them from a silver case and lighting them with a little silver lighter. With his great polish and reserve he would have made an ideal Gestapo officer himself.

    Dr. Kastner’s main concern was to make it possible for a select group of Hungarian Jews to emigrate to Israel. But the Arrow Cross, the Hungarian fascist party, had grown strong and stubborn. Its inspectors permitted no exceptions to the mass deportations. So the Jewish officials turned to the German occupation authorities. They realized that we were specialists who had learned about Jewish affairs through years of practice.

    As a matter of fact, there was a very strong similarity between our attitudes in the SS and the viewpoint of these immensely idealistic Zionist leaders who were fighting what might be their last battle. As I told Kastner: “We, too, are idealists and we, too, had to sacrifice our own blood before we came to power.”

    I believe that Kastner would have sacrificed a thousand or a hundred- thousand of his blood to achieve his political goal. He was not interested in old Jews or those who had become assimilated into Hungarian society. But he was incredibly persistent in trying to save biologically valuable Jewish blood, that is, human material that was capable of reproduction and hard work. “You can have the others,” he would say, “but let me have this group here.” And because Kastner rendered us a great service by helping keep the deportation camps peaceful, I would let his groups escape. After all, I was not concerned with small groups of a thousand or so Jews.

    At the same time Kastner was bargaining with another SS of official a Colonel Kurt Becker. Becher was bartering Jews for foreign exchange and goods on direct orders from Himmler. A crafty operator, Becher had come to Hungary originally to salvage a stud farm which the SS wanted. He soon wormed his way into dealings with the Jews. In a way, Reichsführer Himmler was Becher’s captive. Becher showed me once a gold necklace he was taking to our chief. There were other agencies, German and Hungarian, which tapped Kastner for foreign exchange in return for Jews, but I held aloof from money affairs and left the material transactions to Becher.

    Men under Becher’s command guarded a special group of 700 Jews whom Kastner had requested from a list. They were mostly young people, although the group also included Kastner’s entire family. I did not care if Kastner took his relatives along. he could take them wherever he wanted to.

    —A. Eichmann, “Eichmann Tells His Own Damning Story”, Life Magazine, Volume 49, Number 22, (28 November 1960), pp. 19-25, 101-112; and “Eichmann’s Own Story: Part II”, Life Magazine, (5 December 1960), pp. 146-161; at 146.


  18. BS”D

    No, some of us see right through the Saudis’ ploy. Replace the fringe lunatic Weiss with a supposedly legitimate figure like Schneier and you turn the conference into a legitimate event.

    Saudis and Syed Sayeed: 10. Schneier and all other court Jews who are being used by the Saudis instead of the laughingstock Weiss: 0

    If I were Weiss I would be laughing my head off because Weiss is accomplishing more by being replaced with Schneier than he is by speaking. But I am B”H not Weiss, so I am crying at yet another Ishmoelish PR victory.

  19. berlin/24 – You certainly are one character. In the aforementioned thread, the following is what you wrote:

    This should be my last posting on this site(…) After seeing how the “editor” selects postings, it will be my “pleasure” not to read or write anything again(…) what use is this site? Well, goodbye(…)

    Your complaint is against the website. Against the editor. The editor edits the entire site, not that one story. You said “goodbye.” Goodbye to who? “Goodbye” Mr. Story? “Goodbye” Mr. Thread? “Goodbye” Mr. Page? No, goodbye to the site. A direct quote from you.

    In other words, not only couldn’t you survive without this site for 24 hours, you tried to weasel out of your own words. Well, you’ll just have to eat them.

  20. Joseph,

    Thank you for your nos. 22 post. I was always a bit unclear on this ‘Kastner issue’ and thought his intentions were good but NOW I see what a Rosho he really was…..

  21. to # illini07.. we enjoy childish games,you dont, dont play along…anyway you, rabbi of berlin ann few others are one of a kind so not surprising..”lo b’chinom hulach hazarzir eitzel huoiref ale mipnai shehu mino” so have to stick up for him

  22. to #30..if its for you “enough acting like…” dont read those postings…we’ll continue as we see fit…

  23. Actually Joseph,
    I just reread theat whole post and realized that this
    Eichmann’s version of what happened.

    Eichmann, the German with an engrained hate for Jews.
    ‘Kastner, Shmastner’, he hated him because he was Jewish and used his last oppertunity to demean or implicate him as a traitor just to bellitle our people till the last minute.
    Just reread the following where he expresses ‘HIS opinion’ on Kastner;

    ‘I believe that Kastner would have sacrificed a thousand or a hundred- thousand of his blood to achieve his political goal. He was not interested in old Jews or those who had become assimilated into Hungarian society. But he was incredibly persistent in trying to save biologically valuable Jewish blood, that is, human material that was capable of reproduction and hard work. “You can have the others,” he would say, “but let me have this group here.” And because Kastner rendered us a great service by helping keep the deportation camps peaceful, I would let his groups escape. After all, I was not concerned with small groups of a thousand or so Jews.

    I rest my case…..

  24. #14 “rabbiofberlin”, I can tell you with absolute 100% certainty that you are wrong.

    Weiss and his friends may go against Daas Torah on this subject, but they are not comparable to the Reform.

    I can tell you that I wouldn’t have any objections to eating in the Weiss’ house, davening with his minyan and having an aliyah there, or any such thing.

    Would you eat in Eric Yoffie’s house with ethically-‘kosher’ slaughtered pig meat by an approved organization that pays its workers every day on time, thereby making it kosher by Reform standards even concerning pig meat?

    Would you accept an aliyah in a Reform church?

    If so, I think it is you, rather than Weiss, about one whom should say “sheim reshoim yirkav”.

  25. 29: I think the goal is to increase the ratio of Torah based commentators to non-Torah based commentators by reducing the amount of non-Torah based commentators posting to this Torah based website.

  26. berlin/40: I suggest you take English 101 while you complete your major in Equivocation with your minor in Weaseling out of any situation.

  27. to.. hit it on the head…noticed few of the ani …not here anymore dont want to mention names…might come back…the problem is “shani minos d’aso lamshicha basrei” so es is da vos leinen and m’ken nishpah veren so es is pain in neck tzu posten, tzu fill tzeit but joseph is doing bli ein horah ,good saves us work..

  28. nameless, granted who made these observations. Nevertheless, there is so much additional corroborating evidence. Including from other Zionists. Including a Zionist court saying Kastner “sold his soul to the devil” and collaborated with Eichmann killing Jews. Additionally this source, Eichmann, who hated Jews is actually “complimenting” his friend Kastner! He thinks he is praising him! How “polished” Kastner is. How he would make a good Gestapo officer! How similar the Zionists were to them. He had no reason at this point to say all that — Kastner was already dead when he made these comments.

  29. to #45 rabbi of maskilim…the people you root for aka reform, conservetive ,etc,etc were put already in cherem 150 years ago, which is not even retractable, by the holy tzaddikim with the ktav soifer b’roshom…it was called the “aupteilung..”. also you sat “…turning in thier graves…”…yes according to your non-dass torah

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