NYC NUTTERY: Big Apple to Lease 5,000 Hotel Rooms for Illegal Immigrants

(AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana, File)

New York City is looking to rent out a staggering 5,000 hotel rooms to house immigrants who illegally entered the United States and were then bused to the Big Apple.

The city is already leasing 11 hotels to house homeless people, whose numbers have risen to over 52,000 – up from roughly 46,500 last January.

Prior to immigrants being dropped off in New York City, Mayor Eric Adams said that “as the mayor of the city of New York, I don’t weigh into immigration issues, border issues — I have to provide services for families that are here.”

But now, he’s looking to house those who came here illegally. Still, he attacked Texas Gov. Greg Abbot for sending the migrants without giving him a heads-up.

“They’re not letting us know when the buses are leaving. They’re not letting us know what are the needs of the people on the bus. They are not giving us any information so we’re unable to really provide the service to people en route,” Adams said. “We would like to get that information.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. Some more of our “Blood , Sweat ,& Tears ” Being flushed !!!! What happened to a good old “Boston Tea Party ” revolt …

  2. this is a joke…..the worse of criminals and savage animals will embark on a society…and you the world killed and aimed maliciously even today at jews….for their desires to learn …. to walk a life of Torah… remember…this garbage is the same as what Hashem tweaked with Hitler and other Monsters to remove aspects of society and reinvent ourselves….welcome your murderers into your world …..I won’t be coming to America for sure

  3. “They’re not letting us know when the buses are leaving. They’re not letting us know what are the needs of the people on the bus. They are not giving us any information so we’re unable to really provide the service to people en route,” Adams said.

    I don’t think Governor Abbot has information when illegal immigrants are going to arrive at his state, either. Stop the hypocritical whining.

  4. Mr. Adams, no one gives Gov. Abbott a heads up either. No one is even told that they are even there. That’s the point of being an illegal alien, there is no heads up, paperwork, or notice given.

  5. Look at the hypocrisy! Rubashkin was thrown in jail for 8 year (sentenced to 27) over a technicality due to having illegals working for him. Here, however, for some reason it’s perfectly acceptable to aid illegals without repercussions!
    Instead of housing them take them to the border and send them back across!!!

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