Former Aide: Rudy Giuliani Terrified of Prison, Wants to Die a Free Man [VIDEO]

Rudy Giuliani, who is now squarely in the crosshairs of a Georgia probe into attempts to overturn the state’s 2020 election results, is reportedly “nervous” and just wants to die a free man.

Giuliani argued that he couldn’t give testimony in the Georgia probe because he’s not physically well. But Ken Frydman, his former press secretary, says that’s all hogwash.

“He knows how the DOJ works. He knows how the FBI works. He knows these are meticulous investigations,” Frydman told CNN. “I know he’s nervous. He could have flown to Georgia. You know, he flies all over the world. So, that’s just a typical tactic to try to postpone the inevitable.”

“He knows that he concocted this scheme. He knows he lied for his client, and he knows what we all know,” Frydman added. “I think, at this point in his life, his goal is to die a free man.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. If חס ושלום America’s best mayor ever gets imprisoned:-
    1) There would be civil riots & anarchy the likes of which America has never witnessed
    2) President Donald Trump שליט”א the 47th President or any other Republican President would pardon him immediately
    3) If this has to be a Georgia state matter, next Governor race for Georgia would go to whichever Republican campaigns on pardoning Rudy Giuliani שליט”א at once

  2. The fake media is helping the witchunt against Trump and normal Americans. The looting is ok with these evil progressives. Nov we the people will flush the DemocRATs down the toilet. We will vote Republican down the line.

  3. There’s YWN again promoting and believing CNN’s lies.
    Giuliani did not lie for Trump. The election in GA was CLEARLY stolen, and it’s on video, among much more evidence.

  4. If the Georgia election was stolen why did the Republican Governor, the Republican Secretary of State and the courts find otherwise. All of the spurious claims have been proven false. Didn’t Rudy say that he had theories but no evidence?
    Rudy has definitely deteriorated since 2001. Remember the 4 Seasons Landscaping press conference or a drunk Rudy having to be escorted out of the White House? It’s possible this is all from the stress of divorce from his 3rd wife a couple of years ago and the financial consequences.
    He needs a refuah sheamah.

  5. Mr. Doe

    Please spare us the garbage…

    Any person who thinks that the Democrats with the help of the higher ups did not cheat in the last election including in Georgia is a big FOOL!

    The names you mentioned are corrupt too.

    I’m not a fan of Trump’s tweets and babyish behavior, but as far as his JOB PERFORMANCE she was theeeer best president for the USA and the best president for the Jews and EY…

    All yidden have to show Hakoras Hatov to him, remember Rubashkin and many other yiddish prisoners?

    Remember who crushed the Arab fake threat when he moved the Embassy, showing the world that showing strength works.

    Who tried so hard to find a cure for COVID only to have the EVIL DEMOCRATS fight tooth and nail and even BAN SAFE MEDICATIONS that saved thousands of lives.

    Not to mention the cheap oil, food etc…

    Folks stop sticking your heads in sand

  6. Watch ‘2000 Mules’ for a more objective perspective on the election fraud. All varieties of fraud is being buried by AP, CNN, and the democrats and their crooked elected judges and bureaucrats that are selfishly attempting to bury this country in fallacies and the protection of what is dishonest. (‘2000 Mules’ is a documentary, now being given away as ‘free to watch’ – it was endorsed by Trump).

  7. yaakov doe, you are the one who needs the refuah shelaima more as you clearly suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Get some help

  8. Yes, 2000 Mules was endorsed by Trump. But even Trump’s former advisors testified that it’s a bunch of lies, misleading inferences, and propaganda that doesn’t check out.

  9. y2r…

    Are you referring to the same Trump that is on video ranting about he will enforce all laws regarding confidential info and no one is above the law?

    Just curious because the all praise you offer does not fit the actions of the man. I mean, just take oil… It is so funny what you say, because under Obama oil prices declined but as soon as Trump got into office, oil prices started going up and continued to do so, until finally President Biden was able to reverse the trend. Just craziness how you crackpots laud someone for doing the opposite of what he did!

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