JARED THE TRAITOR? Trump’s Niece Suggests His Son-in-Law Ratted Him Out to FBI

For the entirety of Donald Trump’s presidency, his son-in-law Jared Kushner stood by his side as his one of his most senior advisers. But now, he’s a suspected whistleblower against the former president.

Mary Trump, the niece of The Donald, says she believes that Jared could be the mole who told the FBI that top-secret documents were being held illegally at the Mar-a-Lago estate.

The raid last Monday was approved by Attorney General Merrick Garland, with reports stating that someone tipped off the FBI about the documents in Trump’s possession.

“It’s so tough to choose,” Mary Trump said when asked by Sirius XM’s Dean Obeidallah who she thinks is the rat. “I want it to be all of them. You know, I think we need to start with who would have access to this stuff. I don’t think Mark Meadows would have access to it.”

“I think we need to look very hard at why Jared got $2 billion,” she continued. “We need to look very hard at why he has been so quiet for so many months now. And we need to think about who could also be implicated in this that would need as big a play as turning Donald in, in order to get out of trouble, or at least to mitigate the trouble they’re in.”

“It sounds like somebody in Jared’s position. I’m not saying it’s Jared, but it could be,” she said.

The $2 billion Mary Trump referred to is an investment made by the Saudi Arabia Public Investment Fund into Jared Kushner’s private equity firm that came just months after Donald Trump left office.

Donald Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen also suggested that the mole was probably one of Trump’s children or his son-in-law.

“It’s definitely a member of [Trump’s] inner circle,” Cohen said. “I would not be surprised to find out it is Jared or one of his children. Who else would know about the existence of a safe and the specific contents kept inside?”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

40 Responses

  1. “ratted him out” — The dispute is over papers which was already in the process of being debated and was about to end up in court in a CIVIL proceedings. The Justice Department knew what papers were there. Instead of getting a subpoena and letting a court decide who owned the papers, they decided to announce a criminal proceeding (in the best tradition of any self-respecting third world dictatorship) and seize them. The only thing criminal in the matter is whether Garland could be charged with an impeachable offense (wilful violation of the 4th amendment), and given the fact that 2/3 of the Senate would have to convict, it is not likely to happen.

  2. There is no problem under halacha with being a snitch on your goiyeshe shver. Indeed, it is a big mitzvah of Tikun Olam to remove such a burden on society who continues to be engaged in such malignant activities.

  3. Do you call this news? Just some vindicative people guessing? It’s more appropriate for a tabloid! Why do you even have to think that the FBI had to know about what’s in the safe? They got most of the info after the raid.

  4. Why is this site featuring something like this?

    Mary Trump voted for Hillary Clinton, wote a book about her uncle the former President, is a toeivah practitioner, and an extreme liberal.

    She should not be dignified with a platform here.

  5. Well if proven true:- we are about to see the biggest family divorce & גט in American politics, and surely looking at a major Sholom Bayis crisis.
    Even Vice President Mike Pence שליט”א is going to be a saint in the eyes of President Donald Trump שליט”א by time saga of jared has fully been exposed.

  6. If this is true, let’s be open-minded: since Jared is a Jew, we always trusted that he’d look out for us the best he can. The fact that he has turned away from his father in law (even before this article), means that Trump does not actually have your best interests in mind and/or he was up to no good. Imagine chas v’shalom if the Jewish people rejected Esther hamalka’s warnings and actions?

  7. Let’s wait for the true facts and the real sincere evidence.
    It’s not fair to jump to an immediate conclusion because 1 or 2 people are accusing someone.
    That is so not fair.
    The headline is not true news.
    Let’s wait for the real truth to come out.

  8. Follow the money: Jared has his own money, inherited fair and square from his family. If he never gets a dime from Donald or Donald’s estate, Jared will be fine. If Don Jr. or Eric never gets a dime from Trump Sr. or Trump Sr.’s estate, they will never have a dime.

  9. Interesting words.
    I can understand why someone might be called a traitor for selling US state secrets to the Saudis for 2 billion dollars, as Trump’s go-between.

    I can understand why someone might be called a traitor for transferring US state secrets to Putin, to China, etc.

    But to be called a traitor for having betrayed Trump?

  10. >>>Mary Trump, the niece of The Donald, says she believes that Jared could be the mole who told the FBI

    So here you have some enemy of Trump trying to spread baseless rechilus about Jared Kushner. But it’s Trump who we have to avoid because of all the bad middos he has that we may learn from

  11. Without saying anything “definitive,” how can Yeshiva World conclude that Jarrid had anything to do with this?! Seems to me a purely political move to get him thrown out of the Presidential election by the Democratic party.

  12. GHD, there is no such mitzvah as “Tikun Olam”. The Reform movement invented that out of whole cloth, to replace all 613 mitzvos that they reject. But if someone’s removal would improve the world it’s more likely to be you than Trump.

  13. Let’s read Mary’s statement for what it actually says: “it must have been the court jew looking out for his own financial interests, once again.”

    Why would we honor such stereotypical hatred with space in this forum?

  14. I think trump should change his name to Hilary. He won’t be investigated every 5 seconds. And I know that most of the Ywn readers are liberals.. if y’all would actually fact check the stuff you hear on the news you would see that Hilarys stuff is waaaaaay more worse then trumps. If they really covered all her crimes on the news and you would be Informed of the crimes she has done your hair would stand up sooo high.
    Our country needs trump back. Biden made such a mess.
    The continuous fake attacks on trump has to stop!!! But we live in a society that the Democrats get away with everything and I think it will never change!

  15. Yeh, blame the Jew. Same old same old. If only we can rid the world of those pesky Jews, the world would be perfect and harmonious. Yawn.

  16. Interesting: Trump shifted his story again and now says the boxes include privileged attorney-client information. Keep an eye on this new narrative as far as what Trump is preparing for. Note for example, if it includes legal communications or notes on conspiring with the Oath Keepers, it would not be protected since this amounts to illegality.

  17. Let’s keep in mind that no one confirmed there has to be an informant. From all the details so far there isn’t any reason to believe there has to be one…

    Oh but I forget – the FBI said so…

  18. There was nothing to “snitch” on. The FBI knew exactly what papers were there. You can NOT “snitch” by telling someone about something that they already know, and everyone else knows they know it. They were already litigating the question of ownership, which is what you are supposed to do when two parties can’t agree over ownership. If any one other than the Justice Department simply seized property that was the subject of legal dispute, it would be a breach of the peace (rather than just a breach of the 4th amendment).

    YWN clearly missed the boat on not realizing that this is a “fake news”, planted by someone who doesn’t like Trump and his family.

  19. “I didn’t take the documents, but if I did take the documents, they weren’t classified, and if they were classified, then they were planted, and if they weren’t, I declassified them, and if I didn’t, then it’s a hoax, if it’s not a hoax, Obama did it.”
    The myriad of ludicrous lies, so far.
    Anyone who buys any of this is a bigger fool than those who uttered them.

  20. Niece Mary is about as virgin in her thoughts as perhaps her predecessor……the democrats will do anything……short of is all possible….shame…this is anti semitism in a different roll

  21. Milhouse: I know your smart enough to know that the “big mitzvah” of Tikun Olam (or as we libs call it, Prime Directive NO. 614) was formally added by the R’ Avi Weiss, shlita and is a commandment of general applicability to save America from the Save America types.
    I was never a big fan of all those who back in 2016 thought Jared and Ivanka would be the “moderating influences” on the Trumpkopfs and would work quietly in the background (with the deep stateniks) to protect the world from Donald. Sadly, they were wrong then and likely wrong now that they are still working in the background to save us.

  22. Whoever gave the information to the FBI is not a traitor by any definition of the word.
    My guess is it’s Eric or Melania not Jared who has had little to do with his father in law since January 6th.

  23. I presume that any news media is exempt from the laws of INNUENDO AND GOSSIP.
    That justified the publication of nonsense.
    However, is this from the part of the family that hates Trump and wrote already a negative book about him? Is there any credence to such gossip?

  24. This article publication is reckless and dangerous.

    @YWN this is disappointing and is beneath this websites bar. Please strongly consider taking the article down.

    Sincerely concerned.

  25. Akuperma: I’ll agree FBI had probably copies of much or most the info. But the issue is not about returning information they already knew about. It’s about whether Trump still had any information marked top secret or classified. Trump signed an affidavit that he had returned everything that was marked classified. FBI learned it was not true. Nothing to do with ownership. Even if Trump’s legal team had made an argument that Trump owned these documents, it doesn’t legally mean you can’t seize them. Following your logic, police could never arrest (seizure of person) a suspected perp if he came up with any crazy argument. That’s what investigations and trials are about: the defendant can try to argue “ownership” later, in trial or appeal.

    Ownership DOES essentially come up if Trump’s legal notes and communications are also buried in the boxes, as Trump has hinted to us.

    On declassification, of course Trump will have to show he did something to declassify. Otherwise Bill Clinton could make the argument today that, oh by the way, I had declassified such and such 20 years ago.

  26. Why does an organization with the word yeshiva in have to publish such an article

    Loshon hara is. Even IF it is true.
    This is not joke.

    This can CV trigger an avalanche of CV attack on our soyneem.

    Do you have a Board. Which DASS Torah would approve such a dangerous article.

    Emes or not. And most likely not. Who of you will take the achrayoss of any of the Jews that might CV be effected by this. !?

    What would you say if someone posted an article on another site that would encourage the boycot of this site. Based on someone’s niece????

    V hoemes Nederesss

    Ad mosai

  27. It’s despicable how leftist this site has become. YWN is writing an opinion piece from another left wing hater who happens to be his niece.
    YWN pushed the covid and vaccine lies while many people have talked about the suffering side effects of the vaccine and not to mention the damage done from isolation and wearing a mask. And now, YWN is pushing the lies of the left to further push us towards civil war. If you think I’m being hyperbolic just look at what the left has done to the morons who walked into the Capital building on Jan 6 and pushing this lie that it was an insurrection and putting us citizens in solitary confinement when at most they should be charged with breaking and entering, how the DOJ is going after GOP lawmakers who support the “MAGA” movement and taking their phones. In contrast, BLM was allowed to terrorize this country during lockdowns and for the most part saw no consequences. Hillary Clinton destroyed over 30k emails deliberately and James Comey decided not to indict based on made up laws at the moment of “intent”. The left has been going after Trump with Russia Collusion hoax for 3 years then tried to go after him for looking into Biden/Ukraine quid pro quo by claiming Trump was doing a quid pro quo and many countless other lies. Bottom line, YWN is just another left wing corporate news site who will ultimately hurt the Jewish people, especially the frum by thinking that they will bend the knee to the very people that despise us the most!

  28. Friendly tip for Yeshiva world:
    Mr. Kushner can legally sue the yeshiva world for these fake headlines because you have no valid proof.
    You may win in court with a long battle with many lawyers.
    But don’t forget that your lawyers are going to hand to you a large bill.
    You can google this, many people sued news organizations and they won.
    I am trying to save you (the yeshiva world) a loss of money.

  29. First of all Mary trump hates Donald and will say anything to get some attention and air time, also the fact that you even used an excerpt from a Dean Obeidallah show shows the pathetic quality of the news here, also this article contains information that’s incorrect, so obviously zero research was done, so I’m thinking this is obviously unadulterated plagerism

  30. GadolHaDoor! I cant believe you brag that your a “Lib”! Are you actually trying to use it as a trendy ‘hip’, vechulu, title? Your not a baki in jack! You have no shaychus to politics! Get your nose off this page and go to CNN!
    Mary Trump, YM”SH vezichrah, was always a loser liberal, and everyone knows it. Shes a known democRAT for ages now. This is like making a headline that a leader of ISIS said he thinks America is bad. Well, duh! You all hate Kushner but now are all pro him cuz somebody suggested he ratted out his shver, Donald Trump (2024!) Shlit’a!

  31. to mr. you know right:
    Why are you getting so angry at the Chamor HaDor-
    Take it easy-calm down–
    I am willing to bet $100,000 that the Chamor HaDor is dead already and buried for many years. I think that there are ways through Koach HaTumah to continue posting comments through the grave.

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