NOBODY CARES: Jan. 6 Hearings Haven’t Made a Dent in People’s Opinion, Poll Finds

A video of President Donald Trump recording a statement in the Rose Garden of the White House on Jan. 6 is played as the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol holds a hearing at the Capitol in Washington, Thursday, July 21, 2022. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

For months, the House Select Committee investigating the events of Jan. 6, 2021, have been weaving the tapestry of an anti-democratic conspiracy headed by the President of the United States Donald Trump. Unfortunately for them, it doesn’t appear that anyone cares.

A Monmouth University poll found that public opinion surrounding the riot at the Capitol has barely nudged since the Jan. 6 committee began its public hearings, and moreover, Donald Trump’s favorability is nearly identical to what it was immediately after the 2020 election.

Making matters even worse for the Jan. 6 committee and its supporters, 4 in 10 Americans would strongly consider supporting Trump if he decides to make a presidential comeback bid in 2024.

Overall, a measly 8% of Americans said the hearings have altered their view on the events of that day – basically unchanged from the 6% who said the same in June.

“When we released our June poll, I said the committee was preaching to the choir. These current results suggest they haven’t recruited any new singers since then,” said Patrick Murray, the director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute.

According to the survey, 38% of Americans see Trump as directly responsible for what happened on Jan. 6. Before the testimony of star committee witness Cassidy Hutchinson, that number stood at 42%.

“The sensational revelations during the hearings do not seem to have moved the public opinion needle on Trump’s culpability for either the riot or his spurious fraud claims,” Murray said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. jackkk,

    You have to work harder! Perhaps if if cut-and-paste the entire transcript people will pay attention; or fall asleep.

  2. Who cares about this poll ? This monmouth university poll is totally irrelevant.

    The purpose of the Jan 6 committee is not intended to make a dent in anyone’s opinions.
    It is to get the words, texts, pictures and videos from witnesses – mostly Republican – documented and not swept under the rug. (or into a safe in Mar a Logo). (Sorry , couldn’t resist.)

    The committee is getting information into the public realm so that people who are interested in the major questions of what led up to January 6th and who was involved in it get their answers.
    I am sure Mike Pence is happy that America now knows what pressure he was under to break the law, throwing the electoral college proceedings into chaos and how close he came to being eliminated on January 6th.

  3. Jan. 6, “election fraud”, BLM, Hillary, Hunter, who won the 2015 World Series, Netscape, —OLD NEWS

    What matters:

  4. Just for the fact that they’ve been harassing trump and trying to pin every crime ever commited in history on him since he decided to run for president, but if you ask any democrat “what’s so bad about trump, why do you despise him?” The most common answer you will get is “uuuh the InSuReCtIoN?!?!” Literally every allegation against him up until then was debunked. This incident took place in the last few weeks of his presidency! What in gds good name is the excuse for the vilification of this man up until then??? The lack of Saichel is appalling

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