Trump Handily Wins Presidential Straw Poll at CPAC

Former President Donald Trump’s prospects for securing the Republican presidential nomination in 2024 got a nice boost from the Conservative Political Action Conference’s (CPAC) straw poll, which found that he has a nice lead over other possible candidates.

69% of straw poll respondents said they want Trump as the Republican nominee in 2024, following by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis who got 24%, and then Senator Ted Cruz who got just 2%. DeSantis is the heavy favorite if Trump doesn’t run for another term in the White House. A dozen other candidates, including Mike Pompeo, Glenn Youngkin, and Rick Scott, all got 1% or less of the vote.

Overall, 99% of CPAC attendees said they approve of Donald Trump’s job performance as president.

The results of the poll show that despite being banned from social media platforms and his slow fade from national headlines, Donald Trump still has a firm grip over the Republican Party.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

4 Responses

  1. Trump Handily Wins Presidential Straw Poll at CPAC & so absolutely deserves to win straw pall & 11/5/2024 Presidential election, and this is not only best thing that could happen to we Americans of all parties, but to all Ukrainians & Russians if not all of mankind.

  2. something to give the Democrats hope

    Even though they refuse to give him credit, the Democrats currently control the White House and Congress due to Trump’s political incompetence in 2020, and right now Trump is all that stands in the way of a Republican takeover in 2024.

  3. This is a group of anti democracy fascists, their special guest was the Hungarian dictator. White supremacist anti Semites.

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