Fourth Annual Yarchei Kalla For Mechanchim

The Rabbi Samuel and Zehava Friedman Jewish Learning Exchange will be hosting their fourth annual Yarchei Kalla for Mechanchim in Olney, Maryland. 34 Rebbeim from 14 different Yeshivos and day schools will come together to learn parts of Maseches Shabbos and discuss Inyanei Chinuch from July 27th – August 7th. This ten day program, which mainly consists of Rebbeim from many different schools in the Baltimore-Washington area, though this year there will be Rebbeim from Toronto, Waterbury, Phoenix, Norfolk, Atlanta, and Los Angeles. Additionally, there will be a daily shiur from R’ Eli Reingold of the Yeshiva of Greater Washington during the first week and R’ Yonason Sacks of RIETS and the Adudah of Passaic during the second week. Presentations on Chinuch will come from R’ S. Kamenetzky, R’ A. Lopiansky, R’ Dr. A.H. Fried, R’ Dr. Leo Davids, Dr. M. Steinhardt as well as round table discussions from our Mechanchim help make this program an unbelievable experience for the diverse group of Mechanchim who attend.

The impetus for this program sprouted from a casual exchange four years ago between Mr. Joseph Friedman, the executive director of the Jewish Learning Exchange and R’ Moshe Shields a Rebbe at the Melvin J. Berman Hebrew Academy in Rockville, MD. When R’ Shields mentioned that he’ll be spening his extra time during the summer to learn Torah, Mr. Friedman asked, “Why don’t you learn here, in Olney?” R’ Shields responded, “Bring the Mechanchim to Olney and we can all learn together.” Mr. Friedman arranged for a nice stipend to be available to the mechanchim who attend the program.

The result has been four years of intense learning from Mechanchim from diverse schools such as Beth Tfiloh, Ner Israel, Torah Institute, Talmudical Academy, Sulam, Berman Hebrew Academy, Rambam, and J.D.S. The day begins at 9:15 with a first seder that goes until 1;15 incuding a daily shiur. Lunch is provided by the Olney Rov and Rebbitzen, R’ Shaya and Mrs. Subby Milikowsky. Second seder, which is from 2:15 – 6:00  consists of both the educational component of the program as well as an opportunity for the mechanchim to learn what they would like. For more information, please contact either R’ Moshe Shields at 301-873-9308 [email protected] or Mr. Joseph Friedman at 301-523-1818 [email protected]

One Response

  1. Since Rabbeim and moros are our most precious and least appreciated assets, I find this unique program to be a zechus to the coordinators and a refreshing and inspiring time that our mechanchim most certainly deserve.
    Once again we see the koach of a yid with an idea and a little conviction. True role models and oskei betzorchei tzibbur.

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