SPARKS FLY: Trump Says He’s Suing CNN Over Defamation

Former President Donald Trump, never a friend of CNN, informed the left-leaning network that he intends to sue it over repeated defamation going back to his 2016 presidential campaign.

“I have notified CNN of my intent to file a lawsuit over their repeated defamatory statements against me,” Trump said in a statement. “I will also be commencing actions against other media outlets who have defamed me and defrauded the public regarding the overwhelming evidence of fraud throughout the 2020 Election. I will never stop fighting for the truth and for the future of our Country!”

A letter sent to CNN executives demands that they retract or correct a slew of on-air statements and articles about Trump. Many of the dozens of examples provided in the letter relate to Trump’s claim that the 2020 election was stolen from him.

CNN often called Trump’s claims “lies,” “false narratives,” and “baseless theories.” But Trump says that those descriptions are “false and defamatory.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

15 Responses

  1. What a stupid gamble. He apparently really believes his own wishful thinking. If CNN successfully defends itself on each point, he will really look stupid (while, with his delusions, insisting that he is right).

  2. If you had a dollar for every lawsuit he has filed and LOST you’d be wealthy. Aside from LOSING the 2020 election and some 60+ lawsuits he and his chavrusah filed in relation thereto, he and his businesses have a long track record of filing lawsuits and having them thrown out or where he simply never follows through on the initial submissions.

  3. Good luck with that. It’s clear that CNN has repeatedly told untruths about him, but under the Sullivan standard he has to be able to prove specifically that the individual who wrote any given piece knew it wasn’t true and wrote it anyway. Also, merely calling him a liar is not actionable, because it’s an opinion, not a statement of fact.

    The nub of his problem is that just as he subjectively believes he won the election but lost the count, they will say they subjectively believe not only that he didn’t, but that he knows he didn’t, and that his claims to believe it are not true. And to succeed in a defamation action against them he has to prove that they don’t really believe that, even in their own hearts. That’s pretty much impossible to prove.

  4. I’m certain Trump will as usual not follow through on his threat to sue. He’s well aware that both discovery and cross examination will reveal what he doesn’t want revealed.

  5. The courts have rejected the lies over and over all across the country. He’s an immoral lying seditious adulterer. If you support him, you support anti Semites.

  6. Sues them right.
    And may I remind the naysayers, with due respect, what we have already seen many times, that previous Trump claims which were laughed off and called delusional by many, were later proven to be on the mark. The media corporations, who had originally thrown a ‘tantrump’ as a result, were left looking like clowns, eating their hats. Remember the “I’ve been wiretapped” saga? Turned out, not only was it true, but it actually was just the tip of the iceberg regarding deep state perfidy.
    Now, without going into the merits of Trump’s election claims, the”delusional” label affixed to the election claims, is a product of a massive propaganda campaign by the media corporations. Don’t fall for it.
    And BTW, the election lawsuits which were dismissed by by the courts, were largely dismissed on grounds of standing, not on merit. Which in that case, proves nothing.

  7. Gadolhadorah, you are wrong. Trump NEVER lost a court case or an election or an argument or even a game.
    Anyone who says that he did is currupt or biased.

    Gadolhadorah, Trump will find out who you are (“‘I’m the president. I know everything”) and sue you for defamation.

  8. Filing a baseless lawsuit can entitle the sued (CNN, in this case) to sue the suer (Trump, a suer and a sewer). Maybe the threatening letter is as far as this will go.

  9. Where are the flying sparks? Somebody threatened to sue CNN. Probably happens at least weekly.

    Trump threatened to sue somebody. Probably happens often. How many threats have been carried out? How many suits has he won, either after a verdict or in a settlement?

  10. No lawsuit has been filed, only a notice of intent to file a lawsuit.
    This is something Trump has done repeatedly with no follow through.
    It gives him time to find a lawyer stupid enough to take the case, and end up not being paid,
    Deadbeat Trump seldom pays his legal team.

  11. Amil Zola > to aid families who cannot afford tuition.

    So, here is a person fulfilling a mitzva of educating a Jewish kid in a private school, while avoiding an aveira of giving money to gazlanim in the government, and you are accusing him.

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