“YOU’VE SPUN YOUR LAST DREIDEL”: Armed Right-Wing Activist Threatens Ben Shapiro [SEE THE VIDEO]

Conservative media icon Ben Shapiro is being threatened by far right-wing activist Aidan Duncan, a member of the antisemitic “Groyper” movement.

“Alright, Ben Shapiro, you’ve spun your last dreidel,” Duncan said in a video before firing off three shots from a revolver at a gun range.

Duncan, who also goes by the name Smiley the Fren, posted the video on Instagram, but it has since been deleted.

In addition to being one of the most popular names in conservative media, Shapiro is also a frum Jew – a fact which some of his haters use to attack him.

“It’s not even Chanukah season, you idiot,” Shapiro said in response to the post.

“People have been telling the Jewish people that we’ve spun our proverbial last dreidel for over 2000 years,” noted David Bashevkin. “But here we are. Still spinning.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

23 Responses

  1. DontMindMe: your post is wildly off-base and regrettable: Whether he’s a renowned activist or punk kid, a quick google search shows he is right wing, an anti-semite, and his group bashes mainstream conservatives for not being conservative and white-nationalist enough. Why do you need to defend the “right wing” movement to the point of apologizing for Jew-haters? On the other hand, if the article instead was about a politically-unaffiliated minority making the same comments, seems many on this site would jump to the conclusion he’s a democrat and use as proof democrats are anti-semites.

  2. He looks like a dweeb speaking of dreidels and chanuka i bet shlomie from the marvelous midoss machine can probably knock him out with his “water” gun that he got for chanuka

  3. How long before we learn the guy is a Biden supporter? The media never learns to actually practice investigative journalism.

  4. Ben Shapiro and the right-wing punditry that controls “frum” media need to recognize that gun-toting conservatives with proud America t-shirts are not necessarily our friends. Trump-backed GOP candidates like Mary Miller and Blake Masters have no problem quoting Hitler and Goebbels. MTG calls herself a proud white nationalist. We need to see the extremists in both parties as the problem and stop excusing the extremism that is espoused by those on “our” side.

  5. Crazykanoiy isn’t really crazy. He’s right.
    You’ll find a lot of frum white shirts happy to support candidates Trump picks even if they quote Hitler and Goebbels.
    Ben is a smart guy though. I hope this opens his eyes a little to see that the far right is as dangerous to us as AOC and all the lefties he loves to rant and rave about.

  6. Yes, the guy in the picture looks like a weenie, but if you put 100 of them together, they look like the SS.

    To etzhar: Are you joking or serious? If you are serious, I am LOL.

  7. this person is not a “far-right activist.” He’s an anti-semitic nut job, and should be treated as such.
    This video represents a threat on the life of another individual, and Ben should get the police involved immediately.

  8. “You’ve baked your last donut!”
    “You’ve spun your last gragger!”
    “You’ve said your last Hallel/burnt your last Israeli flag on Yom Ha’atzmaut!” (Delete as appropriate.)

  9. @huju: On line harassment, especially death threats are prosecutable, not a joke. Ben Shapiro went to Harvard Law School and I think he’s aware of that.

  10. Or maybe Ben Shapiro should shut his mouth, and stop looking for trouble….
    Anti-Semites is not a new concept. It is one Hashem introduced to us years back in the time of eisav btw. He wanted to kill Ya’akov, and no one saw the need to get up and speak and tell ya’akov that he should get himself armed
    (the ramban says that the pasuk that says ya’akov prepared for war means, preparing to run away and evade eisav, hence he set up two camps)…

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